11-26-11-30 US History Notes


Their located southeast asia

- When it Spanish-American war ended in 1898

- Two days before the treaty was ratified by US senate fighting broke out

- Commercial oppurtunities accesses to national resources

Fear that if we didn't take control another country would

- filipinos can't govern themselves - smaller not as smart

- Didn't care about the reasons just wanted to oppose mckinely

Emilio Aguinaldo- leader of the Filipino Nationalists

- Attempted to fight convential war first few months

- Independence rather that change

- Switched to Guerilla Tatics

- Feburary to November 1899

- November 1899-1902

Aguinaldo captured in 1901

- Filipino's switched to guerrilla warfare- the side could blend in and knew the geogrpahy

Filipino forces entered conflict opposite of US

- didn't get any outside support

- Constant shortages of weapons and ammunation

Filipinos tortured captures US soilders and terrorized civilains

Battle of Manila Bay

- Battle took 5 hours and 40 minutes - no americans died

Latsed 3 years

- Over 4,200 Americans died, Over 20,000 Filipinos died each

- The Boxer Rebellion

-Over the 18,000s various powers forced China to accept foreign control

- The Opium wars and the Sino Japanese war fought to resist foreigners

- The Chinese lost significant port cities- Shanghai and Hong Kong

- Led by the society of righteous and Harminous fists nicknamed Boxers

- The Boxers killed Chinese Christians and deystoyed railroads and churches

-The seige of Bejing

The Boxers laid siege on the foreign district

- Teh seige lasted weeks with hundred of foreigners dead along with thousands of Chinese Christians

- Foreign Rebutal

- A force of around 20,000 troops came from eight nations

- The Rebellion ended with the signing of the Boxer Protocol on September 7th 1901

- Chinese could not import arrms for 2 years had to pay 330 millin to foreign nations involved,

-Open Door Policy

- Britoish and Amerian Alfred E Hippisel and William W Rockhill

- Both countries intrested in China

- Intrestests by formal agreement of European Powers

- United States, Britain, France, Germany, and more intrested in China

- Powers maintain free access to treaty ports

- Only chinese collect taxes on trade

- No exemptions from harbor dues and railroad charges

- Open door policy was never an offical policy

- Many countries supported and many wore reluctant


Tuesday review for test


Wednesday- Test



1914-1918 WW1

Europe in 1815 wasn't as big as now

No italy or germany

Allied Powers Austria-Hungary, Germany, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire. 

Central Powers- Serbia, RussiaFrance, the United KingdomItaly, Belgium and the United States.

Then we watched WWI intro videos



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