
M O N D A Y -


  • Over various wars with western powers, Japan, etc. 
  • Chine was losing power because of different rebellions occuring 
  • the rebellion was led by the Boxers and started in Northern China and crept to the Beijing area
  • Boxers killed Chinese Christains and Christains missionaraies and destroyed churches and railroads
  • Were nicknamed "Boxers" because tehy were violent/physical
  • Towards the end ost pivitol paoint was seige of Beijing
  • June 20, 1900 Boxers laid seige on it
  • Qing Emprss declared a war on all foreign nations w ties to China
  • Siege lasted weeksw hundreds of foreigners dead and Chinese Christiains
  • SIEGE= Surronding a city  into submissION
  • Foreign Rebuttle
    • 20,000 troops from eight nations
    • Rebellion ended in Sept. 1901 w signing of Boxer protocol
    • Boxer and Chinese government officials were punished
    • China couldn't import arms for two years and had to pay 300 million dollars + to nations involved 
  • This all led it to go from Qing Dynasty - to - Republic of China (which also ended 1928)


  • British and American people were both interested in China
  • They decided their interests were best protected by a formal agreement 
  • Countries interestd in China- USA, Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Russia, Japan
  • ODP provided that-
    • Powers would maintainfree access to treaty ports (FREE ACCESS TO TRADE W CHINA)
    • ONLY Chinese gov could collect taxes on tarde
    • No exemptions form harbor dues and railroad charges
  • Britain and Japan agreed w USA
  • Every other country was releuctant to agree
  • Russia made stipulations
  • No formal agreeents
  • Hay declared that the agreements were final and definitive
  • Boxer Rebellion made it difficult for open door policy(bc BR was an anti-foreign movement)

T U E S D A Y -


  • Education is set up to be like a factory in the 1800's RWA (reading, writing, math)
    • Industrial system
  • Brown case  (dessegregation ended)
  • Segregation is: and examples- literacy test, entertainment 


  • Helped factory workers by; worksman compensation, 8 hour work day, 
  • Pure food and drug act, benefitted consumers
  • WHAT ACTS DID PROGRESSIVES PASS STILL IMPACTING US TODAY? womens right to vote, income tax, fedral trade commission (anti-trust), federal reserve bank


  • Spanish american war- us won, we got puerto rico, guam and philippines..then the phillipine war broke out
  • Caues of Spanish American War- 
    • America's support the ongoing struggle by Cubans and Filipinos against Spanish rule
    • Mysterious explosion of US ship
  • OPEN DOOR POLICY: Free tarde w China
  • We stuggled w Panama canal; columbia didn't want us, then we sent navy down and panama got independence and gve us the right to build it
  • ISSUES W MEXICO-Panchovia, tampico affair, (describe these) !!!!!!
  • Diplomacy- which diplomacy goes w what cartoon

W E D N E S D A Y -


T H U R S D A Y -

Central Powers (bad guys): 

  • Not that bad, not like WWI
  • War of imperialism
  • Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire
  • Germany was the ost powerful of the four^ Young country, second most powerful country in the world (behind GB), had great ground troops, lots of land etc. 
  • Austria-Hungary was a failing nation (crumbling) so was Ottoman Empire

Allied Powers (good guys):

  • Great Britain, France, Italy, Russia, Japan, USA (big 6)

F R I D A Y -

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