
12 Tables

- Laws that guaranteed equal treatment of the Romans

The Roman Republic- The Military

- The military was a very important part of making rome into a major power

- All citizens who owned land were required to serve in the military

- Plebeians served in the military as well

- Legions were made up of large groups of about 5,500 of infantry

- There were about 30 legions in the Roman Army

- Legions broke down into ten smaller army groups called cohorts which, in turn, were broken down into six centuries

- A centurion led the century each legion had 59 centurions

- Each legion had a cavalry unit for support

The Legatus and the Aquilifer

Praetorian Guard

- The elite of the Roman army

- Their duty was to protect high ranking officials and eventually became the personal bodyguards of the Roman emperor

- The Guard eventually got involved in overthrowing emperors and naming their replacements

- Constantine the Great desbanded the Guard in 312 AD after defeating them

 Punic-Carthage Wars


- "Punic" comes from the Latin word Poenicus, meaning "an inhabitant of Carthage"

- Carthage was founded by Phoenicians, and Poenicus is the Latin word for "Phoenicians"

- The first Punic War was fought for control of Sicily and the western Mediterrean 

- Lasted 23 years--264-241 BCE

- Rome won

- The second Punic War was started by Carthage to get revenge from the previous loss

- Lasted 16 years--218-202 BCE

- Rome won



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