Monday- Haley finished her part of our presentation.
Group 6- Diplomacies
Monroe Doctorine-
- Foreign Policy
- Created Seperate Spheres of European and American Influence
- Written by Preisednt James Monroe and Secretary of State John Adams
- Four Main Points-
- US would remain nuteral in European Affairs
- US would not interfere with Existing Colonies
- Western Hemisphere was closed to future Colonization
- US would concider a hostile act if any European nation tried to interfere in the Western Nation
"Speak softly and carry a BIG STICK; you will go far."
- Theordore Roosevelt
- Popularized Big Stick Diplomacy
- First occured in privated letter to Henry Sprague
- Became famous at Minnesota State Fair
- Define
- A policy of carefully mediated negotiation supported by unspoken threat of Military
- Expanded US influence in Cuba
Dollar Diplomacy
- William Howard Taff
- American Foreign Policy to further aims in Latin America and Eat Asia
- Use of economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries
- Charecterized as "substituting dollars for bullets"
- Used in Nicaragua
- Dominican Republic
- Haiti
- Honduras
- Liberia
- China
- Abandoned in 1913
- Taft Administration
- Failed to creat economic power and political stablity
- Failed to stem wave of revolution
- Taft's dollar diplomacy failed to make profits for American buisnesses
- US had to send troops to protect American invesments
Missionary Diplomacy-
- Expanson of Monroe Doctorine
- Woodrow Wilson's idea that the US should refuse recognizion of hostile governments
- Imperialism
- Latin American Countries
- Practices of the US in Mexico, Central America, and Carribeans
- US failed to recognize any goverment since the Confederacy
- Wilson tested his first Latin America diplomacy in Mexico
- Mexico-
Missionary Diplomacy (Cont.)-
- We looked at a few cartoons
Roosevelt Corollary-
- 1904- Addition to Monroe Doctorine
- US intervined to keep European countries from intervening
- when they don't get debt payments
- Roosevelt was like a police officer
- between Europe and Latin American Countries
- Passed after Venezula crisis
- Blockade against Venezula
- By Uk, Germany, Italy
- Over President Ci[riano Castro's refusal to pay debts
- Blockade against Venezula
- Dominican Republic
- 1904- Dominican indebtness to other nations
- Mainly European
- $32 Million
- Payments were slow or nonexistent
- 1904- Dominican indebtness to other nations
- The Roosevelt Corollary stated
- European powers would not be allowed to collect debts by force
- Owed to them by Latin American nations
- European powers would not be allowed to collect debts by force
Panama Canal-
- Problems-
- Transportation
- No heavy lifting
- Except Cranes
- Hard to remove rocks and other heavy material
- Hard to make progress
- No heavy lifting
- Rain
- Mudslides were not uncommon
- Weeks of time were wasted
- Recaving ground
- Transportation
- How was the Canal Built?
- 75,000 workers
- 28,000 deaths
- Roughly $40 million
- America purchased 102 shovels
- Used all latest technology
- 75,000 workers
- Timeframe
- Around 10 years to build
- 52 miles long
We talked about the test.
- Chapter 8-10