
Monday- the US government released a new report on climate change, it says low income communities and poor health people will feel the impact the most. it's going to cause damage to the us economy. it could cost hundreds of billions of dollars by the end of the century. it can impact the growing season for food in the midwest. 

black friday- buisnesses made almost 24% than last year. the profits were 717.5 billion dollars. 

some people are mad because there were mexicans rushing through the border and the us used tear gas to defend the border. the irraa (or something like that) required that fencing is put along the border, especially where it is needed most. 

Tuesday- debate: you can have a powerpoint with key data, you have to go twice with 2 different debates with the same group. research your point of view, but also the others side so you can prepare for what they're going to say

pro gun control- pro sanctuary citys ;(

Wednesday- work day

Thursday- work day

Friday- work day

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