Spanish American war -
2 important battles in Cuba
- Battle of las guasimas
- Battle of san Juan hill
William Samson
- Navy commander
- Commanded the north Atlantic squadron
- Command of the while squadron during the battle of Santiago
Leonard wood
- Assisted in the secretary of the navy
- Organized the first volunteer cavalry regiment (rough riders)
- Commanded the battle of Las Guasimas
- Led to victory at Kettle Hill and San Juan Heights
- Medical improvements in Cuba
- “Boss of Teddy Roosevelt”
Monroe Doctrine
- Foreign policy statement that created separate spheres of European and American influence
- The western hemisphere was closed to future colonization
- The unites states would consider a hostile act if any European nation tried to interfere or control a nation in the Western Hemisphere
Big Stick diplomacy
- “speak softly and carry a BIG STICK; you will go far”
- Policy of carefully mediated negotiation supported by unspoken threat of powerful military
- Brokered agreement for building Panama Canal, expanded American influence on Cuba
Dollar diplomacy
- 1909-1913
- American foreign policy to further its aims in Latin America and East Asia
- Through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries
- Taft characterized his program as “substituting dollars for bullets”
- Usually ended in the resentment of the people
- Taft failed to create economic and political stability
- Failed to make profits for American business
Missionary Diplomacy
- Expansion Monroe Doctrine
- Woodrow Wilson’s idea that the US should refuse recognition of hostile governments
- Imperialism
- Latin American Countries
- First time US failed to recognize any government since the confederacy
Missionary Diplomacy in Mexico
- Huerta became president of Mexico during Taft’s presidency and was still recognized
- When Wilson became president, he didn’t like how Huerta came to power
- He also didn’t like the way Huerta ruled and so he sent several warnings to Mexico
- All were ignored so Wilson refused to recognize Huerta and his government
Building of the Panama Canal
- The lack of any “heavy lifting” made it harder to remove the standing material, such as dirt and matter like it. This is because it required much more time and effort
- This also made it harder to progress, because it sometimes took days to remove material stuck in a slump
- During rainy seasons, mudslides were infrequent, but not uncommon
- Week of time were wasted when re excavating ground that had already been dug out
- Approximately 75,000 workers (28,000 fatalities)
- Roughly 40 million in funds
- Very underbudget and ahead of schedule
Study for test
Wednesday: Test
Thursday: start WW1 notes and videos
Friday: go over test start videos