11-19 to 11- 23

19th - The US bought Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million dollars. People called Alaska the icebox and a poler bear garden, not liking it. Alask aincreased the United Sates land mass by 20% and the gold rush started there in the 1897. Oil was also found there. In 300 Ce the polynesians came to Hawaii from Marquesas island 2,000 miles away. In 1778 Captin James cookdiscoeverd it. In 1791 King kamehameha came to the island and became the first kings. In 1820 christian missionaries came then western traders came and brought diseases. In the 1893 America colonized and soon made it a state. Hawaii is good for economy but some think it was stolen. Queen Liliuokalani ruled the Kingdom of Hawaii from 1874 to 1893. She wanted to make a new constitution and wanted to give power to the Hawaiian people. The US and europeans tried to dispose the queen. The US Marines invade and the queen surrenders.  President Mckinley annexed Hawaii and gave the queen her job back. In 1875 United States agreed to import Hawaiian sugar. The Americans on the island wanted the government to annex. They got Pearl Harbor as a result. In 1906 Theadore Rosevelt became the first president to be awared the Nobel Peace Prize. He recived the award for his ties with the Rreaty of Portsmouth which helped to end the Russo- Japanese War. The Russo-Japanese War started in 1904 and it was fought to see who could control Jorea and Manchuria. With the Reaty of Portsmouth each side would claim at least some victory. RUssia would hand over all claims to Korea. The island of Kakhalin was split on the Japanese were paid money in recooperations. 

Heneral Victoriano Huerta, the President of Mexico, killed the previous president to be came president himself. The US refused to see Huerta as president of Mexico. Today, were are on fairly good terms with the US. America was working in Oil Fields in Tampico. Mexican soldiers were getting a little too clise. The US sent Naval Ships as a warning. The US Gunboat, Dolphin, gave the 21 gun salute to recognize their victory in Puevla in 1867. The ship stopped for fuel when confronted by Mexican troops. Mexican soldiers take 9 US soldiers and are realeased after a few minutes. Henry T. Mayo demands 21 gun salute as a formal apology. Countries argue and President Wilson backs up Mayo and sends more US forces. THis began the Invastion of Veracruz. With the incastion, 800 marines land in Veracruz. They create a Naval Blockcade and would bleed power from Huerta. German friegter was meant to deliver machine guns and ammunition. Wilson ordered for Vercruz to be taken. 19 Americans killed and 150+ with Mecicans killed. Everyone thought US intervention was wrong. Argentina, Brazilm and Chile offered to intervent to help solve the proble. Huerta was out of power.

20th - Pancho Villa killed some Americans in Mexico and killed around 16 people in New Mexico. The militia wanted to overthrow Huerta with the military force called Division del Norte. Pancho made a deal with the mexican leader for an official pardon but he had to stop leading revolutions. The Mexican Revolution started in Nov. 20th, 1910 anded in 1917. The common people of Mexico had enough and wanted to change for the better. 

21st - No School

22nd - No School

23rd - No School

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