
M O N D A Y -


  • Bought Alaska from Russia
  • People didn't really want to do it becausel "Ice box" / "Polar Bear Garden"
  • But some did because gold rush and it increased USA land mass by 20%

Gold Rush: 

  • 30,000-40,00 went to Dawson
  • 15,200-20,000 became prospectors
  • Less than 4,200 struck gold
  • $42.22 per 1 troy ounce 


  • In 400 CE polynesians from Marquesas island 2,000 miles away came
  • 1778 Eueropean (Captin James Cook) came to Hawaii
  • 1791 King Kamehameha came to island and was first king
  • 1820 first Christain missionaries came and they brought diseases
  • 1893 American colonist controlled sugar economy and overthrew the kingdom 
  • 1890'S last Hawaiian ruler was imprisoned
  • B A D - Some people think it was stolen
  • G O O D - Cheap to travel, and is good for the economy

Taking Hawaii Over:

  • Queen Liliuokalani- 1838-1917, rules Hawaii for a while, she wanted a new constitution 
  • Jan. 1893, group of Americans and Europeans-Marines- tried to dispose of queen (she surrenderd)
  • President Cleveland gave her job, but then Mckinley annexed it 

How US got Hawaii:

  • 1867 US took over Midway islands
  • 1300 miles north of Hawaii
  • Economically important for a century
  • USA founded Christain schools and churches
  • Grandchildren were sugar planters sold crop to US
  • 1875 US agreed to import Hawaiian sugar duty free
  • American planters in Hawai called for US to annex islands
  • Got Pearl Harbor as a result

Roosevelt's Nobel Peace Prize-

  • Was first president to be awarded Nobel Peace Prize
  • Recieved it for his ties with the Treaty of Portsmouth, which helped end Russo-Japanese War

Russo-Japanese War-

  • Started in 1904, Russia and Japan were fighting over who would control Korea and Manchuria
  • First timein centuries Asain beat Western power
  • Over 2 years of fighting Japan asked for Roosevelt to make a peace treaty to help end conflict

Treaty of Portsmouth

  • Each side would claim at least somewhat of a victory
  • Russia would hand over all claims of Korea
  • Japan also dropped it's demands for asking for money from Russia for costs of war
  • An island was split in half between powers as well



  • President Woodrow Wilson refused to see Huerta as president of Mexico
  • America working on Oil Fields in Tampico
  • Us Gunboat- Dolphin- sailed up to Panuco RIver in 1914
  • There was a language barrier


F R I D A Y- 

Pancho Villa:

  • Born in 1878
  • Sent to prison
  • Joins an uprising and was almosy executed
  • Then fled to US
  • Killed some Americans in Mexico and then killed 16 citizens in New Mexico
  • He did this because he didn't want Mexico to be overan by USA

Mexican Revolution:

  • Started in 1910 ended in 1917
  • 3 main people
  • This was because most people were poor and the rich was controlling the government
  • Influenced US because: both sides were interacting and fighting with each other, 
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