We finished our presentation
Philippine-American War
Major Causes-
- Spanish American War Ended
- US and Philippines were originally allies
- We took over the Philippines
Major Battles-
- Battle of Meycauayan Bridge
- Battle of Manilla
- Second Battle of Calcoocan
Major Generals-
- Theodore Roosevelt- Assistant Secretary of the Navy
- Emilio Aguinaldo- Philippine Leader
- Jacob Hurd Smith- US General
- 1899-1902
- Peace Treaties
- Rebellions
Boxer Rebellion
What is it?
- Society of Righteous and Harminous Fist
- Chinese
- Known as Boxers (Physical Exercise)
Who were the Boxers?
- Peseants from the shaking provence
- Struck by natural disasers
- China had given parts of this area to several European Nations
How did it start?
- Western powers
- Japan forced China's dynasty to accept foreign control
- Boxers blamed their poor living standards on foreigners
We talked about the test.
- Segregation
- Plussey vs. Feurgesen
- Brown vs. the board of Education
- Schooling
- Entertainment
- Progressives
Boxer Rebellion (Cont.)
What happened during it?
- Boxers rebelled by killing foreigners and Chinese Christians
- Destroyed foreign property
- Boxers began a seize of Bejing
- Qing Empress declared war
What happened during it?
- Several hundred foreigners and several thousand Chinese Christans were killed
Who won?
- Boxers lost
- Revellion ended on September 7 with the Boxer protocol
Open Door Policicy-
China at the end of the 19th century
- Political and Economical Disorganization
- Not viewed as a major power
- Imperial nations wanted to split up China
- Claimed extraterritorial Rights
- US had no infulence in China
The Policy:
- Presiednet McKinley wanted an "open door"
- Access to the Chinese Market
- Secratary of State John Hay
- The Policy said that China should not be carved up
- Equal trade of all imperial nations
- Minimized power of these nations
- If the imperial nations carved up China
- US would be exluded
- Helped American business with foreign trade
- Saved China as a country
- Guaranteed Independence
- Chinese
- Saved their country
- Kept them Independent
- America
- Wanted an Inlfuence
- They did
- Imperial Nations
- Fine with it
- If they had some Influence
- Fine with it
Wednesday- No School
Thursday- No School
Friday- No School