12th - We worked on our presentations
13th - We worked on our presentations
14th - Absent
15th - Absent
16th - McKinley was born January 29, 1843 in Niles Ohio. Before the Civil war McKinely attended college and then became a country school teacher. Mckinley enlisted in the Intion Army, earned the title of Brevent. After war he went back to Ohio and studied Law. Later he married Ida Saxton. Ida died after her mother and and daughters. After the 1893 panic there was a depression in the U.S. McKinley gained control over the democrats. Mckinley supported the coinage of silver. He became president and fought for labor laws. He also was imperialistic. Mckinly was reelcted and ran on Imperialistic values. He went o na tour to the west and was shot by an unemplyeed worker. Leon Czolgosz was born in Detroit. He worked in a wire mill in Cleveland in 1893 and was fired after a fialed strike. He got his job back but he hatedd capatilism, In 198 he quit his job and moved to his family's farm. He met Emma Goldman and the Liberty Club in 1901 and soon became anacharist. He heard McKinley would be in Buffalo and went there and chot him in the chest and abdomen. He died 8 days later. He beleived McKinely to cause the corrupt government. He got the idea from a speech given by Emma Goldmen. He was arrested on the spot. He was convicted of murder two days after Mickinly died. He was killed in October 29th in 1901 with an electrecal chair and was buried in an unmarked grave.