Monday -
Government (Representative Democracy, Consuls were like two presedents, there were 300 people in the senate, there were 10 tribunes, citizens assemblies were adult male citizens, Consuls would choose a dictator in times of crisis they had absolute power then tney had to step down)
Cincinnatus was a dictator during a severe military emergency he thenlead rome to a victory and then stepped down 15 days later
The twelve tables--thelaw-- (They starrted writing down laws, they were the basis for roman law, held in the Forum - their government building, they were meant to guarantee equal treatment under the law)
Laws (Females shall remain in gardianship even when they have attained their majority, A spendthrift do not have the right to gather their own goods, it is permitted to gather fruit falling down on another man's farm, if any person has sung or composed against another person such as was casuing slander or insult to another, he shall be clubbed to death
Tuesday -
The Roman Military (The military was a very small part of making rome into a major power, all citizens who owned land were required to serve in the military, plebians had to serve in the military, legions were made up of large groups, a centurion led ach centuray or smaller groups each legion had 59 centurions
Praetorian Gaurd, the elite of the roman army, their duty was to protect high ranking officials and eventually became the personal body gaurds of the roman emperor, the gaurd eventually got involved in overthrowing emperors
Treatment of people they took over (Areas right by rome became full roman citizens, Further away from rome could become citizens but could not vote, areas outside of Italy became allies they were able to govern themselves, this helped the roman empire last
Wednesday -
Punic War (Punic comes from the latin word poenicus, meaning "an inhabitant of carthage", carthage was founded by phoenicians, and poenicus is the latin word for phoenician)
The first Punic war was fought for control of sicily and the western mediterranean (Rome won)
The second punic war was started by carthage to get revenge from the previous loss (Rome won)
Thursday -
Watch videos on punic war
Friday -
Between the second and third Punic Wars (The treaty that ended the second punic war, the treaty also said that carthage could have no military, Carthage was attacked by the Numidian king, masinissa, who was an ally of carthage in the second punic war, Carthage could not have an army, they asked rome to help, rome dragged its feet, reluctant to give aid to carthage, rome sent cato the elder an ambassador and veteran of the second punic war to carthage to discuss the situation, Rome decides that they are not gonna send help to carthage, so carthage breaks the peace treaty and forms an army, this leads to the third punic war and rome wins easily
Third Punic War (149-146 BC, 53 years after the second punic war, rome went on the offensive and laid siege to carthage, The romans burned the city 200,000 carthaginian people died and 50,000 were sold into slavery, carthage was no more and the roman colony called Africa. With carthage out of the oicture rome would continue it's conquests in the uprising decades and be the dominate power in the area
The Roman Republic Falls Apart (The growing gap between rich and poor, took in lots of slaves, 1 and 3 people by 100 BC were slaves, small landowners could not compete with the rich ones, The victorious soldier problem, people would come back from war with no job for them when they got back, Two tribnes were murdered after pushing for giving land to the poor, rapid expantion of the roman empire made it hard to govern it all, greedy and dishonest leaders the poor felt no loyalty to the roman government who were keeping them poor, conflicts continued to grow between the rich and the poor, Soldiers for rome were only loyal to the people who paid them but they didn't care about rome, power hungry generals they thought some people were too powerful