10/23 -10/26




- Slavery/civil war/ reconstruction 

-Scientific racism (1600-WW1) 

-13TH/14TH/15TH Amdendments

- Literacy test

-Poll test

-Granfather clause 

-Jim Crow Laws

-Plessy v ferguson -1896- seperate but equal, seperate but unequal in reality

-Lynching and violence (KKK) 

- Brown VS Board of Education of Topeka, KS- 1954


Current events: One person one 1.6 billion dollar lottery, There was a package sent to CNN (bomb), Cliton and Obama never got the package though, Joe Biden called Trump George Wallis rather than George Washington.

Went over different pictures on segregation, showed that whites didn't want anything to do with blacks, even after desegregation the blacks and whites just naturally segregated themselves for aout 20 years even. 

Companies would only let whites buy their products or use their services- this would think would only hurt their businesses, but if a white person saw a black person using it would not. Not only was Coke, laudry mats etc., but baseball, schools, parks, theatres, state parks, zoos

WWII was segregated (Tuskegee Airmen) , Vietnam War was first unsegregated war

Entertainment in the late 1800's and early 1900''s 

  • Circus- Barnum & Bailey 1871-2017; GREATEST SHOWMAN (movie basically) Barnum and Baily's Circus united in 1881, Ringling Brothers purchases Barnum & Baily's circus bc they grew from the Midwest- combined names in 1919


Entertainment in the late 1800's and early 1900's

  • Amuesment Parks- Coney Island (1903), Steeplechase- Coney Island, New York 1964 was when it closed down and a baseball field was built. Dreamland (1904-1911) has a million lightbulbs, was the biggest and brightest, burned down bc someone threw a cigarette in a trashcan. Luna Park (1903-1944,-1946,2010). 
  • Saltair- Great Salt Lake, used to have a huge amusement park there, was a PG place, ran by mormons
  • Vaudeville Shows- Live variety shows, singingm dancing, etc., famous actors and comediens got started here
  • Minstrel Shows- White people dressed up as African Americans, over exaggerated how they talked, tried to make them look like bumbling idiots
  • Parks- Central Park 
  • Sports- Dr. James Naismith invented basketball, NBA wouldn't start until 1946, 1925- American Basketball League. 1903 University of Wisconsin 
  • Baseball- Invented in 1839, MLB took off in late 1800's, National Leauge 1876, American Leauge1901, MLB 1903, oldest team is Atlanta Braves (1871) - originnaly from Boston
  • Football- Late 1800's is when college fb took off, NFL wouldn't start until 1920's, NFL used to be APFA, first winner was Akron Pros (Ohio), original rules were more like soccer and rugby than football- no throwing or carrying ball, teams would play 10 games against each other, they had to kick the the ball into the goal. By 1920's football was like what we know today (ish), there were 14 NFL teams and only two are around still today- 

Friday- GONE (State XC)

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