22nd - No School
23rd - Today we talked about the technilogical advances throughout the 1800s and early 1900s. A few being the skyscraper, the aeroplane, vaccum cleaners, etc.
24th - We went over the asignment with different pictures of segregation. We went over more pictures that Mr. Bruns had. One was a vending machine that said only whites could buy. Another was black children looking into a white park. Another was of a black man having to stand. The Tuskegee Airmen were a group in WW2 that proved effective in Italy instead of menial tasks. Entertainment in the late 1800's and early 1900's included the circus. The Ringling Brothers started in 1871 and ended in 2017. The Barnum and Baily was absorbed by Ringling Brothers and was dubbed "The Greatest Show on Earth." The circus was "Immense, and caombined all the elements of museum, menagerie, variety performance, concert hall, and circus." Barnum and Baily agreed to unite their circus' in 1881. Folded in 2017.
25th - Coney Island in New York was made in 1903. There are a lot of different things to do including shops and rides amoung other things. Fred Trump bought up stepple Isaldn and built a baseball stadium there instead, Fred then gave it to the city. In Dreamland on Coney Island it was famous because of the lights (1903). Luna park was also famous but burnt down twice. Saltair was formed in Great Salt Lake and it was family friendly for the mormuns. Vaudeville Shows were variety shows with singing, dancing, comedy, talents, acting, etc. Minstrell shows were where white people plaed back people and made them seem overly dumb. Central Park in New York City was a place to relax for families. Dr. Jaes Naismith invented basketball. The original rules were very simular and they would use a peach basket. NBA didn't start until 1946. First public game was in 1892. 1903 WisCounsun, 1905 Idaho Vandals, 1918 WW1, 1921 Celtics. Baseball was invented by Abner Doubleday in 1839. Major league became famous in the late 1800's/ Naitonal League - 1876, American League-1901, MLB-1903. Oldest teams were Cincinati Reds, Pittsburgh Pirates, St. Louis Cardinals, Chicago Cubs, and the Atlanta Braves. In the late 1800's college football became popular. NFL would not start until the 1920's, originally know as the American Professional FOotball Associatin. In 1869 New Jersy vs. Rutgers it was more like soccer. By the 1920's College Football became more familier to what we have today. Other sports were Tennis, Golfg, Boxing, and biking. World Fair's were focused on showcasinf ne inventions and gagets.
26th - The popular music of the time included ragtime amoung other things. The dances included the cakewalk which is jumoy and quirky. We disucssed a teacher in Iowa and how she used blackout and was quickly fired and her career ruined. We worked on the progressive presentation.