We reveiwed what we had learned about last week. (Education/schooling in the US) George Wallace was a man running for governer in Alabama who was very racist and pushing to keep segregation forever. There was scientific racism where scientists tried to conduct scientific research tor try and scientifically back up that african americans were not as smart as white people. 13th amendment abolished slavery, 14th amendment gave african americans the right to be a US citizen and protected them with the same laws as everyone else and the 15th amendment gave african american males and all males for the matter the right to vote. Southern states found a loop hole for this, creating a literacy test which tested african americans for their reading/writing abilities before they could vote, which prevented the poor african americans who never got an education from voting (cause they couldnt read/write). Unfortunately, this prevented poor white men from voting, so The Grandfather Clause was created to keep African Americans from voting. The government argued that even though black and white schools / busses / etc. were seperate, they were still equal. In reality, they were seperate and unequal because black schools and fountains and such were alot worse than white schools and fountains, etc. Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas in 1954 was the case that ultimately got rid of segregation when a student attempted to go to a white school because the black school was too far away. The case went to the supreme court and they ruled in the students favor.
We all presented our images about segregation went over some extras presented by Mr. Bruns. Some of the images included that No white people allowed in a zoo because only blacks could be there that day. Another one was baseball segregation. A bunch of black children admired the white playground from behind a fence. Entertainment in the late 1800's and early 1900's included The Circus. P.T. Burnum's circus burned down but they rebuilt it. Barnum and Bailey agreed to unite their circus' in 1881. The show had an extremely long name and ended up shortening it to Barnum and Bailey's circus. The Ringling Brothers started as a small Midwestern circus but eventually grew and bought Barnum and Bailey's circus. They folded in 2017 because of money and animal cruelty issues.
We reveiwed the stuff about the circus'. Today we began talking about amusment parks. Coney Island was a big amusement park then and still is today. Steeplechase of Coney Island was not going very well financially and they sold to Frank Trump. (Donald Trump's Dad). Alot of the park was torn down and a Baseball Stadium was built in 2001. The biggest amusement park until it burned down was Dreamland in Coney Island. There was also Luna Park that also burned down but was rebuilt. Saltair another one at the Great Salt Lake. Vaudeville shows were kind of like talent shows but no one was declared a winner or anything. There were a lot of Vantriliquist dummies and comedy acts. Blackface was a common comedy act as well. Animals were shown off and they did tricks. Basketball was origionally played with a basket on a pole but eventually a hole was made out of the bottom so they wouldnt have to climb up and get the ball out of the basket. The first public game for basketball was in 1892 but the NBA would not start till 1946. Baseball was invented in 1839 by Abner Doubleday. Major League Baseball became big in the late 1800's. The first baseball teams included the Cincinnati Reds, Pittsburg Piarates, St. Louis Cardinals, Chicago Cubs, and the first was the Atlanta Braves. College Football started in the late 1800's as well. Origionally, in football you could not throw or carry the ball (but you could kick it). The teams played ten games against eachother and the team that scored the most points wins. Football became more like today during the 1920's. Other popular sports included tennis, boxing, golf, and biking. Paddy Ryan was a Bare-knuckle champion in America. Jack Jhonson was an African American heavy weight champion (boxer). World Fair's were where inventors would show off thei inventions, like Nicholas Tesla showing off his AC light. we watched a movie for the rest of class.
We reveiwed what we learned yesterday and worked on our projects. A white woman in Iowa dressed up as a black woman for a halloween party and people were outraged. (Federal Reserve Act is my project)