10-22-10-26 US History Notes

Monday- No School

Tuesday- Mr Bruns went over all expectations and what he expects with notes, blogs and how your grade can be better.


- Slavery/ Civil War/Reconstruction

-Scientfic racism (1600)

13th 14th 15th ammendment

Literacy Test

Poll Tax

Jim Crow Laws

Grandfather Clause

Plessy v Ferguson- 1896

-Separate but equal

-Separate and unequal in reality

Lynching and viloence- KKK

Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka Kansas- 1954 - got rid of segregation (about 20 years later)


- Did presentations over segergation

Explosive packages sent to Hillary and Obama

Then Mr Bruns showed many pictures showing segergation

Entertainment in the late 1800's and 1900's 

- Circus 1871-2017 Ringling Bros Barnum and Bailey'

The Barnum and Bailey - the greatest show on earth

Ringling Brothers- competing group 


Amusment Parks- Coney Island 1903

Steeplechase- was the first opened in 1897-1964

2001 Baseball stadium was built

Dreamland- Coney Island, New York 1904-1911 It burnt down in 1911

Luna Park- Coney Island 1903-1944 and then again 1946-2004

Saltair- Great Salt Lake

Vaudeville Shows

Parks Central Park in NYC- 1857


Dr James Naismith- The First Public game was in 1892

NBA did not start until 1946

There were collegs and proffesional leauges before NBA

1925- American Basketball League

1903 University of Wisconsin

1905 Idaho Vandals

1918 WWI- at a medical camp some us soliders

1921- celtics


Invented by Abner Doubleday in 1839

Major League baseball became in in the late 1800's 

National League-1876

American League- 1901


Top 5 oldest teams

5: Cincinati Reds: 1882

4: Pittsburgh Pirates 1881

3: ST Louis Cardnials-1882

2: Chicago Cubs: 1876

1: Atlanta Braves: 1876


Late 1800's college football become popular

NFl: would not start until the 1920's

Rules did not allow to carry or throw the ball more like soccer

Two teams of 25 attempted to kick the ball into opposing goals

Akron Pros won the first title and was orginated in 1908

Tennis and Golf and Boxing and Biking also popular sports

Music and Dancing

Worlds Fair- focused on showcasing and latest and greatest inventions and technology



-Ragtime, cakewalk, Tap dancing Bill bojangles Robinson

Then Mr Bruns assigned us a assigment




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