- Mythological Name
- Battle with Athena vs. Poseidon
- Athena grew olive tree
- Peace
- Poseidon gave a horse
- Strength
- Protector: Athena
- Goddess of Wisdom
- Prehistoric
- First appearance: Acropolis Hill
- Neolithic times
- 1,400 BC
- Mycenaean City
- Religious Centers
- Dark Age
- King Theseus
- Kind of realistic
Growing City-State
- Location
- Europe, Asia, and Africa
- Produced the best- literature, Poetry, Drama, and Schools
- Direct Democracy
- Controlled Attica
- Made money
- Silver, lead, and marble
- Protected by peninsula
- Underground rivers
- Hot and dry summers
- Beaches are close
- Almost no snow
- Forests
- The wealthy aristocrats had control over the government
- Poor people were on the low end
- Poor land owners kept losing money to the rich land owners
- Committing crimes meant you were getting bad luck from the gods and a punishment suitable for your crime
- All Athen citizens got to vote on laws
- Citizens were considered to only be free men.
Gender Roles
- Can't vote
- Can't own land
- Can't own or sell anything of value
- Can't choose our spouse
Respectable Women
- Stay home
- Keep pretty
- Bare children
- Husband could lock us up in the house
- Only seen at religious events, weddings, and funerals
- Gave birth at home
- Babies and women die often
- Father got to decide to if they wanted to keep the kid
- Kids with birth defects were left outside in a pot
- Difficult but no impossible
- Easier for men to divorce women
- Lose all rights to our children
Other Women
- Prostitutes
- Poor women (lower than prostitutes)
- Slaves had no rights
- Priestess (unmarried)
- Courtesan (smart and not respected, educated in singing and dancing)
- Could do whatever they wanted whenever they wanted
- Elementary ages were 6th and 7th
- Read out loud
- Memorize
- Art of War and peace
- Taught by mother
- Older kids were taught to wrestle, run, sing
- Education ended at 13th and 14th
- Girls recieved almost no education
- Learned housework and how to take care of children
- Festivals- held on weekends
- Moon was full- they would sing, have a competition
- Theatres held up to 14,000
- No more than 3 actors at a time during the show
- They always wore masks
- Olympics- began in 776 BCE
- Did it for Zeus for every 4 years
- Pottery was used for cooking
- Ate and drank out of bowls as well
- Made of clay
- Stronger Navy than Sparta
- Very fast ships
- Fronts were covered with bronze plates
- We could ram into other ships without damage
- Army contained anybody that physically could fight
- Most were farmers
- Our equipment was passed down through the generations
- Started fighting at age 18
- All boys had to attend 2 years of military school