Tuesday - I was gone so I copied Tyann's blog.
At the beginning of class Bruns talked about PowerSchool and Grades (Extra Credit, Percentages)
- Segregation
- Slavery/ Civil War / Reconstruction
- Scientific Rasism (1600 WW1)
- 13th / 14th / 15th / Amendments
- Literacy text
- Poll Tax
- (Have to pay a tax to Vote or pass a reading and writing test) Unconstitutional (1915) (24th Amendment - 1964)
- Grandfather Clause (If your grandfather or father could vote on (1-1-1867) you could vote
- Jim Crow Laws
- Plessy v Ferguson-1896
- "Seperate but Equal"
- Seperate and unequal in reality
- Lynching and violence-KKK
- Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka, KS
Went over the assignment
Tuskegee Airmen-
- First Segregated War
Ringling Bros. And Barnam & Bailey-
- Most Famous Circus
- 1871-2017
Ringling Bros. And Barnam & Bailey-
- Most Famous Circus
- 1871-2017
- "Greatest Show on Earth"
- 1871- Before joining with Bailey
P.T. Barnum's Great Traveling Museum, Menagerie, Caravan, and Hippodrome
- Barnum and Bailey united their circus in 1881
- Shortened to "Barnum and Bailey's Circus“
- The Ringling Brothers had a small Circus but grew & bought the Barnum and Bailey Circus
- Combined names in 1919
- Closed in 2017- $ and animal cruelty issues
Amusement Parks-
- Coney Island (1903) (Biggest One)
- Steeplechase (1897-1964) (Bought)
- Dreamland (1904-1911) (Fire)
- Luna Park (1903-1944/ 1946-2010) (2010- New one opened)
- Adventureland (1974)
- Saltair-
- Great Salt Lake
- Pavillion- Most popular thing there
- Coney Island of the West
- Near Salt Lake City
- Destroyed by fire
Other Entertainment-
Vaudeville Shows-
- Before TV
- Singing, Dancing, Variety Acts
- Animal Acts- Lots
- Live on stage
- Physical Acts
- Early actors got there start here
- Before movies became popular
Minstrel Shows-
- White people dress in black face
- Meant to be funny
- Made African Americans seem stupid
- Civil rights started to end these shows
- Central Park- NYC (1857)
- Most famous NY Park
- Dr. James Naismith- Invented it
- First Public Game was in 1892
- Original Rules (Went over in class)
- NBA did not start until 1946
- Colleges and Professional leasuges before NBA
- 1925- American Basketball League
- Biggest Sport back then
- Invented by Abner Doubleday in 1839
- Major League Baseball became big in the late 1800's
- Honus Wagner- most popular
- Late 1800's college football became popular
- NFL started in the 1920's
- Orignially known as the American Professional Football Association
- 1922- changed to NFL
- Orignially known as the American Professional Football Association
Other Popular Sports-
- Tennis
- Golf Boxing
- Biking (1885)
John McDermott-
- First US golfer to win US Open
- Still the youngest to have won
- Age 19 in 1911
Music and Dancing-
- Ragtime
- Cakewalk
- Tap Dancing
- Bill "bojangles" Robinson
- The Great Train Robbery (1903)
World Fair's-
- Focused on showcasing the latest/greated inventions and technology
- 1853- New York
- 1876- Philadelphia
- 1893- Chicago (Ferris Wheel)
- 1901- Buffalo (Mckinley killed)
- 1904- St Louis
- 1915- San Fransico
We had the cross country send off.
I added a few facts to Thursday.
Title 9- If there was a boy sport they had to do a girl sport. Or the girl could be on the boys team.
Two NFL teams are the Original 13-
- Chicago Bears
- Arizona Cardinals (Chicago Cardinals)