Tuesday - Discussed requirements for forum posts and blogs.
- slavery/Civil War/Reconstruction
- Scientific racism (people tried to prove that whites were smarter than darks) (1600-WWl
- 13th/14th/15th Amendments
- Literacy Test
- Poll test
- Grandfather Clause(1-1-1867) (1915) (24th-1964) blacks can vote
Wednesday - Went over pictures on powerpoint
Thursday - took notes
P.T. Barnum’s Great Traveling Museum, Menagerie, Caravan, and Hippodrome- 1871
- Barnum said they “had a show that was truly immense, and combined all the elements of museum, menagerie, variety performance, concert hall, and circus”
- Barnum call it “the Greatest Show on Earth”
- Barnum and Bailey agreed to unite their circus’ in 1881 (Barnum and Bailey Circus)
- The Ringling Brothers had a small Midwestern circus but eventually grew and purchased the Barnum and Bailey circus
- Combined the names in 1919
- Folded in 2017 --$$ and animal cruelty issues
- First public game was in 1892
- Dr. James Naismith
- Invented by Abner Doubleday in 1839
- Major League baseball became big in the late 1800’s
- Honus Wagner
- Late 1800’s college football became popular
- NFL would not start until the 1920’s
Other Popular Sports
- Tennis
- Golf
- Boxing
- Biking-1885
Music and Dancing
World Fair’s
- Focused on showcasing the latest and greatest in inventions and technology
- 1853- New York, 1876-Philadelphia, 1893- Chicago(Ferris Wheel), 1901-Buffalo(McKinley killed), 1904-St. Louis, 1915 - San Francisco