Monday: No School
Tuesday: Talk about forum posts, blogs, and expectations for forum posts.
- Slavery/civil war/reconstruction
- Scientific racism (1600 – WWI)
- 13th/14th/15th amendments
- Literacy test
- Poll tax
- Grandfather clause (1-1-1867) (1915) (24th – 1964)
- Jim Crow laws
- Jim Crow was a song and dance from 1828 that was done in blackface by white minstrel performer Thomas Dartmouth
- Plessy v Ferguson – 1896
- “separate but equal”
- Separate and unequal in reality
- Lynching and violence – KKK
- Brown vs board of education of Topeka, KS
Wednesday: Ill - presented pictures of segregation
Entertainment in the late 1800s and early 1900s
P.T. Barnum’s Great traveling museum, menagerie, caravan, and hippodrome – 1871
- Barnum said they “had a show that was truly immense, and combined all the elements of museum, menagerie, variety performance, concert hall, and circus”
- Barnum call it “the Greatest Show on Earth”
- Barnum and Bailey agreed to unite their circus’ in 1881
- the Show was called “P.T. Barnum’s greatest show on earth, and the Great London circus, sanger’s royal British menagerie and the grand international allied shows united”
- The show was eventually shortened to “Barnum and Bailey’s circus”
- The Ringling brothers had a small Midwestern circus but eventually grew and purchased the Barnum and Bailey circus
- Combined the names in 1919
- folded in 2017 -- $$ and animal cruelty issues
Amusement Parks
Coney Island (1903)
Steeplechase – Coney Island, New your (1897-1964)
Dreamland – Coney Island, New York (1904-1911)
Luna Park – Coney Island, New York (1903-1944 1946-2010)
Central park In NYC – 1857
- James Naismith
- First public game in 1892
- Invented by Abner Doubleday in 1839
- Major league baseball became big in the late 1800s
- Late 1800s college football became popular
- NFL would not start until the 1920s
Other popular sports
- Tennis
- Golf
- Boxing
- Biking – 1885
World’s fair
- Focused on showcasing the latest and greatest in inventions and technology
- 1853 – New York, 1876 – Philadelphia, 1893 – Chicago (Ferris Wheel), 1901 – Buffalo (McKinley killed), 1904 – St. louis, 1915 – San Francisco
Two football teams that still have original names
- Chicago bears
- Arizona cardinals – one of the oldest teams