15th - Testing
16th - Testing
17th - Testing
18th - 8.2 Notes
Expanding Public Education - Before the mid 1800's, education was for the wealthy. Most states had public schools by 1865. But many school-aged children still received no formal education-worked in factories instead. Between 1865-1895, states passed laws requiring 12-16 weeks annually of school. Classes focused on the "3 R's"-reading, "riting", & "rithmetic". Memorizaiton and recitation was very common. The lecture became common because students may not be able to read or write. The school is set up like a factory. This was the "one size fits all, and prepared students to work in factories. Students are tested and if they pass, move to the next grade. Elementry enrollment was very common while high school picked up in the 1900s.
African American and Immigrant EDU - African Americans were mostly excluded from public schools or attened segregated schools. In 1910, 3% of African Americans between the ages 15-19 attened HS. Immigrants were encouraged to go to school. Most European immigrant fammiles sent their children to shcool.
Rligion in School - Public schools had mandatory readings from the Protestant Bible. Many Catholic famies were concerned. Catholic communities set up [arochial schools to give their children a Catholic Education. Parochial School - A school supported by a church parish.
Higher Education - Higher education was high school then as college is now for high schoolers. From 1880-1920, collefe enrollments quadrupled. High School diploma and entrance exams were used in admittance purposes. Morrill Act -1862 (Iowa State-1858), Drake - 1881, Iowa - 1847, UNI - 1876.