10-15 to 10-18

Monday-Took test 

Tuesday-Took test

Wednesday-FInished test

Thursday- How did people take advantage of scientific advancements. Public schools did not exist before the mid-1800s. By 1865, most states had public schools. It took decades for people to start going to school. The government would soon make schooling mandatory. One room school houses would soon die out. Lectures were commonplace in schoolhouses. School system was set up like a factory.  There were millions of people that needed to educated. They had to teach all of them the same way instead of teaching based on individuals. 3% of African Americans attended high school in 1910. Public schools back then had mandatory readings in school. Catholics set up their own schools. College lagged way behind high school. Many people did not go to college because it costed money. You have to pass high school to get into college and your test scores did affect if you did. Iowa State was set up by the Morrill Act set up many colleges throughout the country. Iowa State was set up in 1858. Most farmers did not have to go to college for their jobs. 

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