10-14 10-18 Notes

10/14/19-We continued our unit over immigration

1.Immigrants are different because. Race, religion, culture

W.A.S.P.-White, Anglo, Saxon, Protestants

2.Immigrants took jobs and kept wages low

3.Immigrants might be communist, socialist, or anarchist

4.Might be terrorists

5.Immigrants will bring disease, poverty, and crime with them

LPR-Legal Permanent Resident

10/15/19-We went over our chapter 5 tests and retakes and contiuned or unit presentation 

10/16/19-We got our new forum post leaders early this week and we went over our unit on immigration more

10/17/19-Today we watched videos over our unit on immigration and how they got in through Elis Island and Angel Island.

10/18/19-No School

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