10/14 - 10/18

Monday: test

Tuesday: test

wednesday: test 

thursday: CH. 8.1

What advances in science and technology help solve urban problems?

Expanding Public Education -

  • Before the mid 1800’s, education was for the wealthy

  • Most states had public schools by 1865

  • But many school-aged children still received no formal education-worked in factories instead

  • Between 1865-1895, states passed laws requiring 12-16 weeks annually of school

  • Classes focused on the “3 R’s” -reading, “riting”, & “rithmetic”

  • Memorization and recitation was very common

Why did “the lecture” become a common strategy for teachers?

  • Immigrants coming over couldn’t read or write yet so teachers started with lectures so they could learn by listening

How is our school system set up like a factory during the Industrial Revolution?

  • Like an assembly line

  • Move from class to class after bell rings

    • Students are tested and if they pass, move to the next part of the assembly line

  • Schools were/are “one size fits all” and prepared students to work in factories upon finishing school

African American & Immigrant EDU

  • African Americans were mostly excluded from public schools or had to attend segregated schools

  • In 1910, 3% of African Americans between the ages 15-19 attended H.S.

  • Immigrants were encouraged to go to school

  • Most European immigrant families sent their children to the free public schools

  • Children learned English and became “Americanized”

Religion in School

  • Public schools had mandatory readings from the Protestant Bible

  • Many Catholic families were concerned

  • Catholic communities set up parochial schools to give their children a Catholic Education

    • Parochial School: a school supported by a church parish

Higher Education

What is High Education?

  • From 1880-1920, college enrollments quadrupled

  • High school diploma and entrance exams were used in admittance purposes

  • Morrill Act - 1862 - established colleges (farm act)

    • Iowa State-1858

    • Drake-1881

    • Iowa-1847

    • UNI-1876


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