
Monday - 

The Summerians

city states (Ur, Uruk, Kish, Lagash)

Gilgamesh (most famous, Demigod King

First government with laws and punishments

Downfall (Dynasty neighbors, transformed into Babylon)


Mesopotamia, fertile cresent

tigris and euphrates

Modern day Iraq


Religion (Polytheistic)

Education (The Kings and Priests educated scribes)

Art (clay figures)

Technology (Wheel, plow, levees, irrigation)


Relied heavily on agriculture (Barley, chickpeas, wheat)

Farmers, fishers, and sailors

Tuesday - 


Wednesday - 


Thursday - 


Friday - 

Ancient Greece

Seven wonders of the world

Colossis of Rohdes, Statue of Artemis, The Statue of Zeus at Olympia, Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, 

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