10/1/18-Today we continued the group projects
Donald Trump
*He went to a military school through most of his school year
*He joined the family realestate business
*He took a loan of 1 million dollards from his father
*He earned 1 million dollars per episode of the tv show the Aprentice (185 episodes)
*He filed bankruptcy 4 times and tried to make money by steak, vodka, airlines, and games
*He says he is worth 10 millions dollars
*Everyone though Hillary was going to win the election but Trump got some of the swing states at the last minute
*He want to build a wall to stop people from coming here illegally
*At the North Korea summit the talked about denuclearization and taking away the NK missike testing site
*He has the lowest unemployment rate, 3.8% unemployment rate
10/2/18-Today we went over the current event and continued out group project about Donald Trump
*Peta is a group that is supposed to help animal, they have 65 millions supporters, they push people to go vegan and are against pets
*Their slogan is "Animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for our entertainment"
*It was founded in 1980 by Ingrid Newkirk
*Peta has killed 38,190 of all of the 44,846 animals that they have ever taken in, IN 2017 alone they took in 2,445 animals and killed 1,809 in a Auschwitz style rooms
*In 2014 Peta paid local children to lead their dogs to them so they could steal them and kill them
*The founder once said "Even if animals test produced a cure for AIDS we would be against it"
*In 2009 Peta was inraged over Barack Obama swatting a fly during a speach and called it a "executed"
10/3/18-Today we went over the western states in the U.S mao, the dail news, and continued to do the group projects
10/4/18-Today went went over the eastern states in the U.S map and we did more of the group projects and watched some of the daily news
Vladimir Putin
*He put forward anti-gay laws, Election hacking
*He was part of a state security as a intelligence officer and retired in1990 as a lieutenant colonel
*He was elected as president in 2000
*On December 12th, 2012 Russian banned Americans from adopting Russian Orphans
*He put Gay propaganda laws in 2003-2013, banned non traditional relationships among minors, to protect public morals, public health, and the right of other
*He sent 16,00 Russian trops to Ukrain, He said it was for defensive purposes
*Putin denies the the Russians hacked the polls, In 2014 bots started spreaking fake info on twitter and facebook, they were targeting Democrats, FBI confirms that it had been hacked by Russians
*Putin unveiled new weapon that would make anti-nato weapons usless, had a demonstration video targeting the U.S, but most people doubt that it actually works
*During a meeting with Trump Putin gave Trump a soccer ball and people think it had a chip in it to spy on the U.S, but people say that spying on the president wouldn't work, Russia has a history of bugging gifts to the U.S
*The day after he invaded Ukrain he won the Nobel Peace Prize, Putin like dogs, he is Christian, he likes hockey, in 2007 he was the Time magazine person of the year
10/5/18-Today we went over the U.S map, the daily news, and did more of the group projects
Child Marriage
*Over 200,00 underaged women were married between 200-2015
*Over 117 countries allow child marriage
*Nearlt 1/3 of women under 17 are married in poor countries in order to give money to their family
*Problem of this are most children who get married drop out of school, are in bad health, and they cant file a divorce and could be sexually abused.
*When they marry they don't know the risks, and they have a higher risk of heart duseases, cancer, diabetes, and strokes
*In India some children are sold in "package deals," can be sold from 1000-150 dollars, some of them are done of there own free will, in some cases they are married for life.
*Most countries get more poor because of it because they are forced to marry at a young age and stay poor
*It is till a problem because in 2000 oveer 20,00 young girl are still being forced to marry young, If we don't stop this child marriage will double by the year 2050 around the world, and children that are born from these marriages die before the age of 5