- debate viewing party october 10 at 6:30. investigation on Brett Kavanaugh has to be done by next Thursday so people can vote. 800+ people have died so far in a Indonesidan tsunami, 1,000 expected. Caused by an earthquake.
- School Shootings (Jeremiah and Lucas)- A school in Indiana went above and beyond to protect from school shooters. They have smoke cannons in the ceiling, live surveillance with police, and they have little boxes in their rooms that have buttons they can use to contact the police.
- Donald Trump (Makayla and Ally)- Born on June 14th 1946. Had a family real estate buisness from his father. Went to Fordham university, then University of Pennslyvania. He expanded on his family's real estate buisness. Got 1,000,000 dollars from his dad to start his buisness. 1976 bought the Commodenor Hotel then sold half of it. Bought Plaza Hotel, 40 Wall Street, and built the Trump Tower. got $1,000,000 from each episode on the apprentice. Filed bankruptcy 4 times. Net Worth- 4.5 billion dollars. 2006- Karen McDougal claims she had an affair with Trump. After that a lot of women came out and said he assaulted them. Paid $130,000 to Stormy Daniels to get her to shut up about their affair. 2016 election- no one thought he was going to win. he didn't have expeirences with public services and he would have had to get all the swing states. Building the wall- wants people to come legally as citizens, and not sneak over the border. 2018- North Korea summit June 12 2018. First time US prez met with North Korea. talked about denuclearization and how they want North Korea to get rid of their launching sites. Kim wants Trump to withdraw their troops from the Korea pennisula. We have been in South Korea since 1950 since the Korean war.
- Current Issues- in football many kids are hitting their heads too much. 110 out of 111 NFL players in a new study had CTE, which is very very bad. Study shows that if you move the kickoff line then people get fewer concussions. They might get rid of kickoff returns in the future. Mid term elections- 2018 is a big year. US house of representative (35 seats in US senate) If the Democrats win then Donald Trumps last 2 years will be very hard and embarrassing for him.
- Makayla and Ally (donald trump)- Has the lowest employment rate as president. lowest since 2000 (3.8%) buisnesses want to hire people now because they don't have to pay as much taxes. Then they did a funny rap about Donald Trump.
- Jacob and Aidan- (peta) based in norfolk virginia. one of biggest organizations, with 6.5 million supporters. peta is not a rescuing organization. known for pushing a vegan lifestyle on people, against fur, and campaigning. against people having pets (its cruelty to animals) founded in 1980. known for silver springs monkey case where they protested against 17 monkeys being used in science experiments.
- New York Times is now saying that Trump earned his money because of tax schemes, and 'outright fraud.' Now the IRS might be looking at Trump's money history. When talking about Trump releasing his tax statements he says he can't because he is under IRS audit, but they're not sure if he can release them still or until they're done. By age 8 Trump was a millionaire. Ex boyfriend of 6 years Christine Ford says she never mentioned sexual assault and never said anything about being afraid of planes, said she used to live in a tiny apartment that had 1 door but she claims she was 'clausterphobic.' Now Donald Trump is in trouble for mocking Dr. Ford's testimony. The FEMA test will go off today at 1:18 to practice the national services warning that will go off in emergency situations.
- PETA KILLS day 2- founder is Ingrid Newkirk says that she went to work early when she was young and killed animals. She says she probably killed dozens a day and probably a thousand total. The state of Virginia requires that they know how many animals they take in a year and what they do with them. PETA has killed 38,190 of the 44,846 of the animals they take in. In 2017 they euthanized 1,809 out of 2,445. Wilbur Zarate says that PETA stole their chiuhuaha off of his property and killed the dog. He was sueing them for 9.7 million dollars.
- Kavanaughs investigation is now finished and the final vote is saturday. Principal in Tennesee got in trouble because he blamed girls for ruining everything. He said girls ruined the dress code and now they can't wear athletic shorts. Proffesor wrote that all men commit sexual assault, and if they don't then they aren't a member of the male race. He says he was going for satire.
- Sofia and Sam (Vladimir Putin) He banned the US from adopting Russians. Born on October 7 1952 (now 55) He was in Commity of State Security as an intelligince officer. Retired in 1990 as Lietenant colonel. Elected as president in 2000, was until 2008 and then went to prime minister in 2012, then back to president. Magnitsky Act- US adoptio thing. December 12, 2012. Wasn't passed until January 2013. Russians put it in place so it's easier for Russians to adopt their native children. Russian orphans with disabilties probably won't get adopted anymore. Edward Snowden leaked national security information. Russia granted him asylum so the USA couldn't get him. He sold it to governments in the middle east. Because Russia did this Obama cancelled a meeting with Putin. Gay Propaganda- 2003-2013. Banned non traditional relationships amongst minors. People say that it promotes gay sterotypes. 2012- American Olympians possibly weren't going to go to Russia to be in the Olympics. Invasion of Crimea- 2014. 16,000 troops were sent into Ukrain Pennisula to get land. Made other countries very mad. Election Hackings! 2016- people think they helped make Trump win. 2014 robots spread fake information like TrumpTrain, MAGA, and Hilary4Prison. Targetting democrats. Anti- Nato weapons, Russia claims they had things that would destrop NATO with easy and Russia specifically targetted America in their demonstration video. During meeting Putin gave Trump a soccer ball so they could spy on the US. People say it had a chip in it. Adidas says it's impossible to record voices with the chip that's already implanted. Day after he invade Ukrain he was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. (didn't win for it) He likes getting dogs as pets to make him look nice, and is an Orthodox Christian. Loves hockey like in the olympics. Won 64% of votes.
- A man had a rock for about 30 years until he realized it was a meotorite, and was worth $1,000. Amazon had a new store called "the walk out store." As you walk in the store, you just swipe your phone and shop. As soon as you're done shopping, you just walk out. The cons would be that it would create less jobs for people without degrees, and might go down less.
- Kyle and Branden (Child Marriage) Sometimes poor countries have their children married at a young age for money. In the US children can be married with their parents consent. 117 countries allow child marriage (including US) Over half the girls in poor countries are married. 600 million kids) They're more likely to drop out of school, and can be in worse health (sometimes child pregnancy) Children can't file for divorce so they're suffering for life. One girl was forced by her parents to marry the man who raped her in order to hide the scandal. They are at higher risk to get heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and strokes. Children be sold off into marriage by their parents. (some countries like India) can be sold from $150 to $1,000. By 2050 child marraige will reach 1.5 billion people worldwide. If