Friday, September 22
I was gone today. Students started watching Downfall.
Students were assigned topics for the movie Downfall yesterday. Presentations will start on Monday.
Read more…I was gone today. Students started watching Downfall.
Students were assigned topics for the movie Downfall yesterday. Presentations will start on Monday.
Read more…Students were assigned topics for the movie Downfall and had time to research. Presentations start on Monday.
Classroom rules and expectations.
Read more…The United 93 test was today.(50 points).
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3
Be sure to get parent permission slips turned in asap(10 points).
Classroom rules and expectations.
Read more…Students discussed United 93 today in class(10 points). The test is tomorrow.
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3
Be sure to get parent permission slips turned in asap(10 points).
Read more…Students finished watching United 93. Students discussed the movie afterwards(10 points). The test will be on Tuesday.
Presentations will finish up on Monday as well.
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3
Read more…Students continued watching United 93. Be ready to discuss the movie afterwards(10 points) wit thge test to follow the next day.
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3
Be sure to get parent permission slips t
Read more…Stuidents continued watching United 93. Be ready to discuss the movie afterwards(10 points) wit thge test to follow the next day.
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3
Be sure to get parent permission slips
Read more…United 93 presentation finished up today and then we started watching United 93.
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3
Be sure to get parent permission slips turned in asap(10 points).
Read more…United 93 presentation started today and will finish up tomorrow.
Presentation 1 Presentation 2 Presentation 3
Be sure to get parent permission slips turned in asap(10 points).
Classroom rules and expectations.
Read more…Today was a work day for the United 93 movie presntations. Presentations(50 points) will start on Monday.
Group 1:
Students were assigned out topics for the United 93 movie. Presentations(50 points) will start on Monday.
Group 1:
Be sure to get parent permission slips turned in asap(10 points).
The test over Hotel Rwanda was today. Here are the test questions:
Parent permission slips were due today(10 points).
We finished watching the movie today. Students then shared their thoughts and opinions about the movie verbally in class.(10 points)
The test over Hotel Rwanda is tomorrow. Here are the test question
Read more…I passed out the parent permission slip. Please returns this on Tuesday(10 points).
We continued watching the movie and will continue tomorrow. Each day you earn 5 points for paying attention to the movie.
The test over Hotel Rwanda will be next week
Read more…Students voted for the movies that they want to watch this semester.
We continued watching the movie and will continue tomorrow.
Classroom rules and expectations.
Read more…I finished going over my Hotel Rwanda Powerpoint today.
We then started watching the movie and will continue tomorrow.
Classroom rules and expectations.
Read more…Students turned in their five history movies list(10 points).
Our first movie we will be watching is Hotel Rwanda. I started going over my Hotel Rwanda Powerpoint today.
Classroom rules and expectations.
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We finished going over what this class is all about via this Powerpoint and finished going over classroom rules and expectations.
Students were given an assignment to list their five history movies they would like to watch. This is worth 10 points an
Read more…We started going over what this class is all about via this Powerpoint.
I introduced myself and my background and started going over classroom rules and expectations.
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