Zero Dark Thirty is a 2013 American film that opens on January 11th nationwide. The movie is "the story of history's greatest manhunt for the world's most dangerous man," chronicling American efforts to capture or kill Osama bin Laden.
There is a lot of controversy surrounding the movie as it gives the use of torture a lot of credit for giving the CIA the information leading up to us killing Osama bin Laden, something the CIA and many Senators say is not true.
Watch Senator John McCain criticize the movie.
If you get a chance to see the movie, what are your thoughts about it?
Watch the trailer:
I think that there is a little more truth to it then the government wants us to know so they are trying to tell us that it isn't true.
I don't think the movie should've been made in the first place. Hollywood and the movie industry is trying to make money off of navy seals killing someone (even if it was Osama Bin Laden). That's just wrong on more levels then one.
As much as i would like to believe that is isn't true.... I can't. My thinking is that if you are going to kill someone anyway, why let anyone get in your way? And that is probably what happened. If you torture someone enough they will tell you information that you want to here. And I think that is what happened.
I would actually love to see this movie. From the trailer I watched on Youtube it seems very interesting. My thinking is if it's a serious movie like this some of it has to be based on fact. Of course hopfully the government didn't put out all the details so the directors and such are going to have to make some of it up. As for the torture, I really want to believe that this doesn't happen, but people lie so you really can't tell. I believe no one will really now the true story of how it went except for the people that went through. As the stories are told, things get exaggerated and forgotten.
I don't like to imagine the torture and inhumane methods people use on criminals this day in age. I guess we do what we got to do, but it's still sad.
The government is going to hide what they want to hide. As long as there is no proof that they actually tortured someone water boarding they wont admit it. Even if they did it through at least it go the job done.
President Bush admits to using waterboarding:
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I think it is fact, but politicians are coming up with bs to cover the fact and make America and everyone else beleive that it is fiction.