Highway patrol driving down an interstate near Topeka Kansa come across a Zebra grazing right by the interstate. Turns out a rancher that has ground by the interstate owns a Zebra.
I find this kind of funny. You're just driving down the interstate and you see a zebra standing next to the road. But I am also glad that Zebra didn't get hurt or run across the interstate.
What do you think you would do if you saw a zebra on the side of the road? Any thoughts?
That would be a cool site to see considering we don't get to see that everyday. I agree with Ashley though, it shouldn't be legal for just anyone to own a zebra, especially close to a interstate. DUH!
Thats crazy...a zebra!
Well if I saw that on road I would definetly stop and snap a pic! But would make more awesome was like a white tiger ;)
i think it would be pretty cool to see a zebra out in the open. i think you'd notice a zebra but its a good thing it didnt get hit cause i bet zebras arent cheap.
I wish there were as many zebras as there is horses in the U.S. That'd be cool.
haha.. well this is funny and its not.. thats mean that animals are having less and less space to live.. that its not a funny thing
I think it'd be awesome to find a zebra on the road,,,,, but yeah, its definitely not legal to OWN a zebra, so why was it there?
if i saw a zebra on the side of the road in topeka kansas... i would snap a picture and stare at it wondering how in the world did it get there. thats cool that someone has one but he has to make sure he doesnt let it get loose again.
i would laugh so hard if i seen a zebra on the side of the road but still, why would anyone want to own a zebra??
Is it even legal to own a zebra if you don't own a zoo? How would you get one anyway?