Youtube Death

A boy and his friends were watching a Youtube video of how to pass out. Apparently he did. He fell over on top of a bottle, and punctured his neck. He was bleeding very badly. He came to and ran down the stairs, then he collapsed on the landing. He was rushed to the hospital, but he did not survive. I feel bad for the parents of the boy, and his friends. I don't understand why someone would be stupid enough to upload a video that explains how to pass out, and why would anyone watch that? It is sad to think of, and it is something that you want to make sure what you do. Make sure you aren't making fatal choices in life. What are your thoughts?

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  • Thats terrible! But what were they thinking?! why would you want to pass out? Its crazy how people can not have any common sense these days about their safety. I feel horrible for their parents, just imagine trying to cope with this.

  • I think that's quite stupid, who would want to upload such a thing and have kids almost kill themselves. I think this is the boys falult for watching it and the person who uploaded the video. The person might cause more deaths. This reminds me of the saying "he chose his own fate" a little not to be funny, this is not funny, it's tragic, horrible and nothing positive.

  • No offense, but that was really stupid of the boy. Who would actually try to do that? I understand that they were trying to have fun, but he should have known better. I feel bad for his friends and his family, for having to lose him.

  • I feel bad for the family, but I think that the boy was not very smart trying to make himself pass out. I do think that the person who uploaded the video had the right to because there are much worse things on youtube.

  • Its very tragic that he had to die the way he did. Why would someone want to pass out. I feel sad for his friends and loved ones. I hope no one tries this.

  • Wow that is terrible that the kid died just from that but why was he trying to faint just to see if it worked or for something else. Then he woke up and its amazing that he was able to wake up and get up and try to go down the stairs but he fell down them. Its just sad that he died.

  • Why would anybody want to pass out? Why would anybody upload a video on how to do that? I don't understand people.

  • why would someone want to put a video on that that is just horrible i hope he gets in trouble for doing that to someone.

  • I guess some people would call this natural selection. If you're going to try to pass out it isn't the smartest thing to do with a bottle that you're going to land on

  • stupid people do stupid things. I am really enthusiastic about you tube and the greater internet community, and love how anyone can create any content, but unfortunately stupidity is a thing and with the freedom to create and easy access to content the internet provides...stupid things are going to happen once in a while

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