Your Views on Obama?

Personally I think that in ways Obama may have been elected for the wrong reasons. I am not racist, I just do not beleive in a lot of things that he does. I beleive that some of the people that voted for Obama voted for him because of the color of his skin. What do you think? And please respect everyone's opinions, no personal slams, no profanity, we don't want this to get ugly.

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  • Well, I don't necisarily agree on everything he is doing, but he is our country's leader and we have to respect him if we want to stay a nation. I think everyone needs to look positive about it and not be so negative all the time. You aren't going to get anywhere in life if you are negative all the time. But, hopefully Obama gets us somewhere with the economy the way it is.
  • I'm not sure on this. I'm not very happy on what he's doing. He did give a lot of people hope, and that's something we all needed. But a lot of the votes for Obama were from African Americans and younger america. He appeals to both of these groups. I guess it depends on how big the percentage of African Americans and younger america.
  • Ya i think he got voted for the color of his skin, because people wanted to change the fact that we have never had a black president and he also promised that he would keep gas prices down, and he has kept his word so far, gas prices were...four dollars in harlan at one time. then like a year later he got them down to two dollars..that is amazing. he also said that anyone who made over 300k a year would be made to pay higher taxes, which is good because making 300k a year is obscene.
  • Obama is in office because of his color if you ask me. I don't know much about what he's been doing, but I don't like his press for healthcare to much.
  • I agree with Breann on about everything, nicely said! Why should we work hard and get healthcare and then have to pay for others while they do not hold a job. Also, I do not understand why everyone thinks Bush did such a bad job. We were all safe, and I think he was a good president.
  • I agree with Austin Mumm. Except I don't think Obama has good ideas. The whole health care thing? If you can't afford your own health care that's your problem! Don't make my family, who works for our money and the benifts we have, to have to pay for illegal people's health care. Not going to happen! The war, we need to stay until the job's done. When you join the military you know that there is a chance that you could die, but you still love your country enough to take that risk. It's not a matter of people dying then, yes we want more people alive than dead, but they knew there was that chance! Last of all our national debt is crazy! It's only gone up since he's been in office. I think he was elected because most blacks wanted him, people just wanted to get away from the Republicans, or they just didn't care and wanted to be part of putting the first black president in office. How about you think next time America!?!
  • Personally, I think he is a great president. We let our country be run by Bush for 8 years, I think this is a very healthy change for us. I personally don't understand why people are making a huge deal about Obama's plans and actions. If McCain was our president and he wanted these changes, hardly anyone would argue. There is no getting around it that there are still some racist people in our country, and they are behaving very immaturally about Obama. I think he was voted for the right reasons. He promised us change, he is working on giving that to us. Yes, some peopel did vote for him because of his skin color, but he still has great ideas, we just need to be open minded about them.
  • Oh Boy! Well, I believe that Obama won this election with the help of the media. Half the people that voted for Obama didn't even know who his running mate was or what he stands for. People didn't know who Bill Ayers was or even Acorn. Fox News was the only channel to report these things. I think that Obama needs to stop pushing his healthcare plan, and work with others to make it better.
  • You are not a racist just because you don't favor someone, even if they are black, white, yellow, purple, or whatever. People need to get their thumbs out of their mouths and grow up. Who cares what color you are? Not me that's for sure.
  • I really like Obama i think he is doing stuff right and i have no problem with what hes doing.
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