because he is a "security risk". Those words were the exact words a airline personnel told a family. The family had upgraded to first class tickets on an American Airline flight. They had requested that the 16 year old and one of his parents were seated together. The airline granted that request, but later turned at told them they couldn't board. They were later able to book a flight with another airline. The family feels that they were discriminated against because of their son. Did I mention what caused them to call the boy a "security risk"? He has Down Syndrome.
If you aren't aware of what that disability is, it is when you have an extra chromosome. Even though there is something wrong physically and mentally, they are adorable babies. Sarah Palin has a Downs child. Many people do, it is mostly caused because of an older mother. Usually over 40, but that sometimes isn't the case.
I highly disagree with the airline, I believe that it was indeed discrimination. People jump to conclusions just about certain minorities flying. It is called stero-typing. It is a problem in today's society. What are your thoughts? Was American Airlines right in telling the family to leave, or do you think they should have let them fly? I am all for letting the family fly!! Are you?
If he wasnt doing anything wrong they should have no reason to say he is a "security risk." People today are so judgmental, and i feel so bad for that boys family.
I think its sad when people with disabilities are treated badly because of how they are. Its not like they're harmful. And really, if you think about it, the people that are most heard about causing problems on planes are people who are not disabled. People jump to conclusions and think because they are disabled, they cannot do certain things.
I defiantly agree with you, Emily. It is most certainly stereotyping, and if I were his mom I would sue the airline for discrimination and unfair stereotyping. Just because he has a disability does not make him a flight risk, and they should have allowed him to fly. He is a person just like everyone else and should be allowed the same privileges as everyone else and not have to worry about being judged over something that is not at all under his control.
That is just downright rude. American Airlines needs to realize that not everyone is the same. Just because the boy had Down Syndrome, doesn't mean anything bad would happen. I feel bad for this family that was discriminated against. If they have flown with him before and there were no problems, then it wouldn't be any different this time.
I think they should have let the family fly! They should not of had the family leave. I feel bad for the child and the family both, they can not help that.
That is sad, why would a harmless disease cause that? He probably felt extremely bad for his parents. He was probably thinking about himself as a bad person, even though he can't help it!
i think that is discrimination to its not his fault that he has down syndrome and if he has a parent with him on the trip they can probably take care of him considering they have had him for 16 years. Why should that family be discriminated against if they cant control that their son has this disease
Thats most certainly not fair! i think that everybody should do the same as others. american, african american or even disabled!! that was truly not right to not let them fly. disapointing.
Thats not right is not his fault that he has that disease they should of let fly.
Well the pilot claims that he was watching the boy running around. It would make sense that the airline would not want somebody that could be annoying to the other people to be in the first class. Having a ticket does not guarantee that you can travel or have a seat