Forced to Rob

A mother had forced her 10 year old son to rob a house. The mother didn't know she was being watched by the neighbors and the house's security cameras. Michelle was in her house when the boy tried to break in, she said he was peering through her window. The mother and her son both ran away from the police, but they found the mom and arrested her. They found a laptop and crack cocaine. The boy and his three siblings have been put in the care of their father now. I feel bad for the boy, because his mother put him up to such a task. The boy could have stood up to his mother, but it might have been hard. You never know what the outcome of that could have been, worse things could have happened. If I have a child, I would never do something like that. What are your thoughts? Is this something you would do? Do you agree that it was wrong?

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  • i cant believe that his own mother could make him steal something from somebody house  but maybe their money situation is really bad that the mom was desperate but it is good that they got put hopefully in a good home with their dad

  • Hearing things like this just sicken me. Its ridiculous the things people will do to rob and get something. Really pathetic actually.

  • I'm glad she was caught. a crack using house robbing mom probably isn't the best influence on a young kid. I hope the father is a better parent

  • Obviously nothing good comes from crack cocaine. Here is a great example of how someone is using that and does something ridiculous like forcing their ten year old son to rob a house. It's a good thing they had cameras set up to catch them and that no one got hurt.

  • This is so horrible! that poor child has a crazy mom!

  • I can't believe this mother didn't feel any remorse for what she did, who know what kind of potential that child had before his mother corrupted him!

  • That's horrible! I would NEVER do that! Even if i was in trouble i would try and get help or if i was the child i would have snuck away to tell someone that she needed help! I wish that people could understand when you need help, you NEED HELP! instead of trying to make things "better". I hope the boy and his siblings end up getting better with their mom and growing up in a better home.

  • That is horrible I think that the mother needs to go see help if she going to make her son rob other peoples things.

  • That's such a difficult thing for the child to go through! Being forced to do something wrong by a person he probably looked up to must have been awful. I don't blame the boy for not standing up to his mother. I don't know may kids who would have the guts to tell their mother no about something like that, especially at a young age. Hopefully his life with his father will be better.

  • This is so wrong. A child should never be forced to do anything like that nature. He's 10 for goodness sakes. If he had been older he could have gotten in a lot of trouble that could have ruined his future. I hope the mother is put away for a long time, I mean reallly?! crack cocaine? That's just sad.

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