Delbert Belton, an 88 year old WWII vet from Spokane, Washington was beaten to death by a pair of teenagers. He was found barely alive outside of a lounge where he often went to go play pool. When police found him he was severely injured and also had head injuries due to the attack, he later passed away in the hospital. Police have said that as of now, this attack seems to be completely random. On August 16, Australian baseball player Chris Lane was randomly shot and killed by a group of teenagers who were "bored and had nothing to do." These random attacks on innocent citizens are not only tragic, but they are becoming more of an issue. What are your thoughts on these events? What do you think can be done to stop violence like this? How can we help troubled teens and prevent them from doing things like this?
This is terrible! How could someone be so messed up that just because they were bored, they are going to attack a poor, defenseless veteran. This person deserves our utmost respect, not our fists.
It is very sad that these random acts happen. The way to stop this is have better parents taking care of their kids and keeping them out of trouble. They need to send troubled kids to camps or something to help them out and not do stupid things.
That's a good idea, maybe people could work on setting up more programs and things like that to help troubled kids.
This seems like a issue with how the child was raised. Maybe these kids have divorced parents, no parents, or their parents simply don't care about them. Yes these kids need to punished severely but really how do these kids parents not teach them better. To randomly kill an elderly man and a WWII vet. These kids should join sports or clubs to keep busy if there bored.
You make a good point, and I agree. If kids like this were involved in something such as sports and/or clubs they would have less time to get into trouble and do horrible things like this.
These are terrible!!! kids these days are just plain stupid
I know, it's awful that these random attacks keep happening to innocent people.
I wish these random attacks would stop. It is sad how a WWII vet was beat to death. I don't know how we would stop these attacks. I think if the teens would maybe get a job so they would have something to do to keep them out of trouble.
I wish they would too! And that's a good idea, a job my teach teens a lesson of responsibility and also keep them busy so they have less of a chance of getting into trouble.
This is awful. I read this story while looking for my forum post and could not believe what I was reading. My thoughts for the baseball players death were, "Really??? You have nothing to do so you go out and kill someone?" This just isn't right. Kids these days are just getting out of hand. There really is no excuse for killing someone. Being board isn't something you satisfy by killing someone. This just isn't right.