Wrongfully Accused Gets $3.3 Million

A Hispanic Miami man walked into a bank to cash a $100 check. The bank teller hit the silent alarm. There had been bank robberies recently and the lady was afraid that he was the robber. He was just an average man walking into a bank to cash a check. He know has $3.3 million that he won in the lawsuit.

People are so discriminatory when it comes to non-white people. I feel bad for the man, but at least he got money out of it. 

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  • This is pretty racist. it's cool that he made millions from it, though. I wouldn't mind getting falsely accused of a crime if i got 3 million dollars.

  • If it was me that had the alarm go off on me, I wouldnt go to court for it, its a mistake and i dont think you need to win millions of dollars because of it. Just like the lady that spilled coffee on herself at McDonalds. And sued them for millions when she did it and not them. Its stupid in my opinion.

  • well thats wrong, and i feel bad its kinda rastict and just judging on their skin color. im glad he got money out of it..

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