This is just horrible.. may that baby rest in peace.
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This is just horrible.. may that baby rest in peace.
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This is sad. Why would you give your baby heroin? Asprin? These people have definitely been using the heroin....
This is so sad! I hope the parents stay in jail for a long time! I hope they get some classes about parenting.
Was this a serious question?! Of course not! Heroin is not for anyone, especially not babies!
By parents I think the article meant mindless zombies. Some people are just ridiculous inane. Not only is that bad for the kid but is extremely immoral.
wow this is sad. some people should just not be allowed to have kids.
So this was an accident? Doesn't matter. Really stupid parents. They must have been high on heroin at the time.
This is an awful thing, I feel bad for the baby. For a baby with sore gums, you put Orajel or something, NOT heroin! How dumb can people be? That's all I have to say, because I'm not happy with this story!
I hope that they get kept locked up. Why the heck would you even rub heroin in a baby's mouth. That stuff is not even used for that anyway. Now its there fault that they lost there own baby. Like u said RIP