After Whitney Houston's death, a recording artist stated, "First it was Michael Jackson, then it was Amy Winehouse, and now, the magnificent Whitney Houston. I'd like to have every gentleman and lady in this room commit themselves to get our government to legalize drugs -- so they'll have to get it through a doctor, not to some gangsters who just sell it under the table."

There is some logic in what he's saying i guess. But, i still do not think we should legalize drugs, because it will not stop the abuse. People will still over use drugs and OD, even if they do get it from a doctor. Whitney Houston did hard drugs, drugs of which will never become legal.

There is no logic in saying that we should legalize drugs that have killed people.

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  • Ok even if we legalize drugs there are still going to be people who sell it illeagally and people will still die from over dosing. The government may profit from it too but i don't think we should because people will still get it illeagally

  • Let people do drugs and kill themselves.

    People might call it a "loss of talent." But you annihilate all talent by doing drugs, it's simply a dumb thing to do.

  • well.. just to start i think that alot of people are just never going to stop anyways! but that doesnt mean that we need to legalize it! just think, if we were actually to enforce the law a lot better we wouldnt be having as big an issue as it is now. many people think that its ok to do drugs... but who are they trying to fool? i mean come on, who needs drugs!? the only people that do drugs are those who feel so low about their own lives and themselves that they think that drugs are the answer..  they just need to grow some selfesteem and just move on with their lives! you dont need drugs to make you happy.. there is such thing as a "natural" high you know! haha people are dumb... if you do drugs, you obviously have some issues! go get a life that has a purpous because this is the only one you have... you need to do some serious soul searchin and find out what life means to you.  No one else can do it for you.. so stop smokin dope and do something with yourself!!!!!!!!!!

  • well if it was legal it wouldn't really be abuse anymore but i do think that if it were legal more people would just do the drugs.

  • Legalizing drugs would just cause more people to use and abuse drugs because they will be easier to get.

  • I personally think we should legalize drugs, even though i wouldn't use them. but marijuanna can be helpful.

  • Legalizing drugs would just cause more people to do them because they wouldn't have to worry as much about getting caught, and more people would die from drug abuse.

  • It might stop a little bit since doctors might not give it to them but on the other side a lot of people will start doing it since they cant really get caught for it anymore.

  • I believe that wouldnt solve the drug problem at all. I actually think it would make people want to do it more because it wouldnt be illegal and they wouldnt get in trouble for it. . Some people are dumb who come up with these ideas.

  • I can see it from both ways though; maybe legalizing drugs would take some fun out of it for people because the rush of doing something illegal would be gone.

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