
  • That women is mest up if she thinks that animals lives are more important then fellow people. I know where the point of view is and i dont think its right how many are killed just for pleasure but there is no reason what so ever to do something like that.

  • Talk about a crazy woman. Why would she hire a hitman and why through facebook.

  • That is one very creative way to find people to do something for you, but for all of the worst reasons! I guess I can see why she doesn't want people wearing real animal furs, but killing them isn't the way to go. What if the furs are fake? Then you just killed somebody for no reason!

  • this girls got some serious issues, how could she have problems with animals dying but couldnt care if she hired someone to kill people

  • what the heck!? that has got to be one of the wierdest things ive ever heard! so she has no prob killing people yet she freaks out when it comes to animals! talk about hipocracy!

    well.. whatever floats  your boat lady? shes got issues

  • Well she's a hipocrite...She's against killing animals, but she has no problem killing people? Meredith has some issues.

  • uh i think the lady is crazy and needs some major help. who cares if she is a animal rights activist she dont need to kill people over it.

  • That is crazy that someone would do that. I don't even know how someone whould do that and wouldn't they be afraid that someone could track them on the internet. Hopefully that person went to jail for a long time. Good story Preston.

  • Why are people this dumb? It's pretty illegal (in case you didn't know) to hire hitmen. Also, we're animals and she wants someone to kills us for wearing other animals, so she wants to kills animals for killing animals (animals which have probably killed animals themselves). Any questions?

    • just a few! :)

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