Women Tried an Exorcism Attempt

  In Germantown, Md, two women, Monifa Sanford age 21 and Zakieya Avery age 28 were charged with two counts of first degree murder and two counts of attempted first degree murder. Police said, "Investigators have learned that the two defendants believed that they were performing an exorcism." Norell Harris age 1, and Zyana Harris age 2, were found dead in the upstairs of the home while two other children and Sanford were found downstairs with injuries. This all began Thursday night when 911 got a call from someone  reporting a child left unattended in a car. Before the officers got there two women left the house, got the child and returned back into the house. 911 received another call from that same neighborhood Friday morning reporting blood on the outside of a car with a knife laying outside of it. This prompted the police to enter the house. When the police arrived, Avery ran out the back door and was arrested by the police. The two kids that weren't dead along with Sanford were sent to the hospital, but once Sanford was well she was arrested also.

What would you do if you were one of the neighbors?

Do you think they should of got a more harsh of a punishment?


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  • Like um wat. These people had to be on drugs this is quite dumb this like this shouldn't happen and people like this should be locked up. I think these people should go to jail or an insane asylum.

  • If I was their neighbor, I would be really freaked out.  I don't really know what I would have done because I don't think I could have got enough courage to go into the house to see what was happening.  I do think that their punishment should be a little more strict and that maybe something else should happen.

  • When someone calls the cops they have to have some evidence of what they are calling for and in this situation they saw that a child was left unattended in the car and all the police probably done was let the parent off with a warning when they should have taken the children and they should have talked to the parents to get their side and taken them to jail because its against the law to do such a thing. Then for the police to come back and see what they did see, they didn't do a good enough job in the first place because the problem got worse. If I was the neighbor I would have told the police that the children didn't seem safe in these peoples hands. 

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