Women sentence to death

A 41 year old grandmother Teresa Lewis Is going to be sentenced to death because of murder. She is the first person in nearly a century to be sentenced to death in Virginia. She is also the first women in five years to be sentenced to death read full story and give me feed back. Here is the link http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/09/23/virginia.woman.execution/index.html

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  • I think that they woman should be put to death cuz she killed two people.
  • as far as im concerned, its just one less stupid person in the world. for god's sakes, eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. you put a rich serial killer in jail he can escape and go about killing again. why can't every state just be like Texas put in an express lane for the death penalty. if two people saw you kill somebody, you don't wait 5 years, you go to the front of the line.
  • she was borderline retarded this is discrimitatory
  • Our world is clearly not a safe place. What could possible drive people to do such terrible things?
  • maybe she shouldnt kill people.
  • there are some many others that do worse and she is going to be put to deaath wow
  • wow why would you do that its horrible and cruel and evil are world is comeing to nothing
  • finally some people with some common sense. soooo many people do these kinds of things, and sometimes even WORSE, and they get away with it! two years of jail for a serial killer is NOT enough. i hope our goverment will see this as an opportunity to change the way consequences are in our country..
  • This is dumb she shouldnt be sentenced to death thats mean. She should just be sent to prison or something.
  • how is it that our counrty see's killing people a good punishment for killing people?
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