Lauri Ulvestad was driving on the crowded interstate when she suddenly noticed her speed increasing, she gently presses down on the brakes but nothing happened, she tried to shift it into neutral but it was jammed. She called 911 once she realized she was in danger. Panicked sounding over the phone she was calmed down. Police officers had trouble themselves trying to catch her because of the horrible traffic. She had some great driving skills because she veered her black SUV through traffic reaching 115 mph and she didn't hit a single car. What luck, good thing she's okay!


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  • i saw this on the news and i think shes a professional actor slash street racer and she was racing someone and called the cops to act like her gas pedal was stuck..

  • This could have happen to anyone, but luckily was not hurt and didnt hurt anyone else. My older brother had something stuck under the brake and was doing 90 in a 55mph zone. He ended up losing his license for three months and having to take a driving test over again.

  • O my goodness this must have been so very frightening for this poor lady. I used to have a motorcycle that had a twist throttle. t stuck all the time and lead to many crashes. it was very scary and one time i even ran into the corner of my old house and dented the siding! My parents were not very happy about the house, and i was not aloud to ride the motorcycle after that.

  • That"s pretty fast to be going in a SUV I'm surprised she was able to get through it with out crashing.

  • Yeah that is what you call luck. but then again that has happened to my family to but they didnt go that fast and they didnt call the cops either

  • This would be a scary thing for anyone to go through. she must have had some good driving skills and a little bit of luck on her side.

  • The good thing is that she is fine and no one got hurt. I would have been scared to death! And going at 115 mph gosh!

  • I dont think i could have done that without hitting at least one car. She must have quite the driving skills also because the vehicle is not small. I'm glad she got out of there without harming someone.

  • oh my gosh its happened to me  befor but on the high way but it went into nutral... its not fun trust me. its scray. but wow 115 on the interstate and didnt hit a car thats awesome! good thing no body got hurt. =]

  • I heard about this stuff happening to a bunch of other people sometime last year or two years ago with all of their gas pedals getting stuck too. I'm not sure if i would have been able to maneuver through an interstate with bad traffic but good thing she's okay!

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