Women Mistakenly Kills Husband

In New Orleans a 57-year-old man came home to his wife who mistook him as an intruder and accidently shot him. The man late died at the hospital. No charges has been filed and the women remains free, as they continue to find new details. The question still remain; 'Are people to over protective now a days or do people jump to conclusions to fast?


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  • Somebody just doesn't just mistake their husband for an intruder and i think that this lady should get charged with murder.

  • Wow, that's crazy. That is also tragic. But I think you'd know if it was your husband or an intruder. If you love your husband, you'll know who it is.

  • I think the wife might be kinda crazy, because her husband comes home everyday but this time she decides to pull out the guns? That's just weird why she did that.

  • I think this woman overreacted too soon. But I understand where she was coming from. I would be very freaked out too if I thought an intruder was coming into my house, but I wouldn't point a gun and shoot right away.

  • That's  horrible. People do jump to conclusions today. I wonder why she didn't ask who is it before shooting.

  • I think that the women just reacted too quickly. I think that everyone has a right to be able to defend themselves if they think that there is an intruder, but she should've had enough sense to check who it is before she goes shooting a gun.

  • This is so sad. I wonder if he had come home early and she wasn't expecting him and she thought it was an intruder or he got of at regular time but she just shot him. This is so sad and i hope that the women is doing alright. I couldn't even imagine going through that. Also i do think people jump to conclusions to fast.

  • this lady had to have been insane i mean come on dont just start shooting someone. see there face before you shoot

  • The woman obviously acted on instinct and its to bad that that happened to him! i agree that charges should not be pressed against her because it was an accident,  living with this for the rest of her life is punishment enough.

  • I feel very sorry for the wife. We don't know the whole story so you can't blame any one yet even if accidental who knows if she had locked the door thinking her husband wouldn't be home for another day and he had to go through the window or some kind of those scenarios. I'm also sure the woman was so frightened (being in her later years and all) so she didn't have time to react or ask questions.

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