A new report shows  the equality gap between men and women has narrowed in most countries in the past year.  Over 96 percent of the gap in health outcomes, 93 percent of the gap in educational attainment, and 60 percent of the gap in economic participation... Improved a lot!

Yeah, I believe the gap will be narrower,though sometimes it might run back , but history is a spiral, things will develop. And it will make women more independent, instead of rely on their husband or ... It's better for them to promote their rights!

What can you do for improve the women rights?

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  • Try explaining the topic a bit more and I think more students will reply. Also, be sure to reply to student comments..

  • I think gender equality is an important topic. Everyone should be treated equal, but a lot of people in countries with gender equality take it for granite.

    • It takes a long time to change, and everyone has their opinion, keep making effort~

  • I think that its great that this is happening for the fact that i believe that everyone should be equal and looked at in the same way, hopefully they become independent and equal. 

    • In my opinion, more equality might reduce social problem~

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