On Sunday, February 24th Xuan Wang whow as 56 years old, dies after a piece of ice falls off the moutain. In Yosemite National Park, California Xuan Wang went for a hike after signs in the park said it was a restricted area because of how windy the weather was. Gusts up 55 mph when the Wang wet on her hike, and she was struck be a falling rock/ice and was killed. Wang ignored the signs at the front gate telling her about the hazardous and icy conditions and still went on to her hike. Officers are now trying to contact Wang's family to tell them the horrible news.
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Why do you think Xuan Wang ignored the signs and went on her hike anyways?
I think she wanted to get some exercise in before the weather got even worse and the conditions changed.
Do you think that this accident could have been prevented in anyway?
I think that it is definitely Wang's fault this happened, but I also think they could do a better job closing down the park when the conditions are as bad as they were.
Good job replying! I do think your sumamry and questions could be stronger.
I think Xuan Wang ignored the signs and went on her hike anyways because she was just seeking the thrill of her hike. I think this accident could have been prevented if Xuan Wang would have read the sides and turned around. She should not have been hiking in that weather.
I think she didn't care and wanted to get some exercise. She also might not have seen the sign warning her. I think that this accident could have been prevented by someone (a worker of the park) would sit there aorund the clock and make sure no one goes on the trail or completely closing off the park so that no one could even get in it.
I think Xuan Wang continued the hike despite warnings because she thought that it wouldn't be as severe as it was. It wasn't a good idea on her part and those signs were posted for her safety so it was a shame that things ended up the way they did.
I think the accident could've been prevented, although it would take a lot of effort to close off all the trails and manage to keep people off them.
1. Maybe she didn't see the signs, didn't care about the signs, or didn't take it seriously.
2. I think she should have seen the signs and known it wasn't smart to go on her hike through that area. I also think that it should have been gated off or something to keep people out.
I think 2 things eather she saw the signs and dident care and went on her hike anyway thinking it wont be that icy or she wasent paying attention and ddient see the signs
Yes I think who ever owns that bike trail or moutain or company should just close it down block off that paths so that nobady can go throuhg even if they want to find a way to make them turn around
I agree with You Jonathan, that she shouldn't have ignored the signs because it costed her life and she should've gone somewhere else and safer to get exercise. I do think they should've closed down the park while these horrible conditions were happening because if they would've Wang could still be alive.
I think that she was trying to work on her summer bod before the weather gets better. She could have also been a person that strongly believed in fitness. Yes, I think this accident could have been prevented by improving the security or many other methods that relate to security.
I agree with you Luis 100% she definitely could have been working on her summer body and was trying to get in shape. She also could strongly believe in fitness, but that is still no excuse for ignoring the signs that were put there for a reason.
She probably just didn't think the worst would happen if she continued. I'm thinking she just wanted more excersise. Yet, if they really wanted people to stay off that area, they should have done a better job with closing it off. This incident could have easily been prevented, but it was Wang's choice to keep going. Hopefully other people learn from this and learn when to turn back in situations like this.