Women dies, fighting for Health Care

This woman's name was Leslie Elder and she died at the age of 63 without health coverage. She had no idea that she was able to qualify for the Pre-Existing Insurance Plan, and it was only that when she passed away that they found out about it. Her daughter, Jacquelyn Elder, is absolutely positive that if her mother would have had health insurance she would still be here today. Leslie was diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma.  The very last few months of Mrs.Elder's life her family spent all their time fighting for Medicaid.  Let me know what you think about this!


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  • Awh. Deaths are never good. If they would have found Health Insurance before she might have been able to live. At least longer. But, everybody dies sometime i supose.

  • Its sad that she couldnt have lived longer. I think if they would of found out about the health insurance earlier she probable would have lived. 

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