Women Allowed to Serve in Combat

Finally the U.S. military is allowing women to participate in combat.  The Department of Defense is looking at what is not open for women, and working out when they can start.  How do you feel about women serving in combat?  Has it taken too long for women to be equal as men in combat?  Check out the full story here.

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  • I think it is good that they are allowing everyone to fight now. It could have been a problem if we needed more people to fight but couldnt use the women in combat. I also think it is a good idea that the SEALs and other branches can sometimes waiver out if they have a special mission where a guy would be a better option, or even a woman.

  • I think this is long overdue. The next step is to make women register for the draft like men. I Honestly didn't know that women couldn't participate in combat.

  • this is great that women finally have the same rights as men. now they have the choice to take part in combat or not, even though they're not forced to.

  • I think that this is great! Women should have the freedom to do what they want, girls arent weak or less able to do things than men. I understand that men are very strong etc but women are too! If women want to participate in combat, let them!

  • I think this is awesome! It's another step closer to women being complete equals to men. And I definitely don't doubt that any woman could do the exact same things that men could do out on the battle field (maybe even a little better:)

  • I think that this is really good! It really opens up opportunities for women who want to be part of serving our country.

  • Women probly cant do all the things that men can do but they can do some things better. Their usually smaller and slimer so can do better in small places.

    Though they might not do as well with the 70 extra pounds of gear as men can

  • This should have happened a long time ago! Women are just as capable as men and it's so good that they are finally being allowed to participate!

  • i think this is good now women who want to serve in combat can its their choice

  • I think that this is awesome! Women should be allowed to participate in combat if they want. I feel that if they choose that they dont want to thats okay.

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