A woman dove into Daytona beach and tried to kill herself and her kids by driving into the ocean. When Rescuers attempted to help the kids the mother simple responded that they are fine and continued to drive into the deep blue. According to a Daytona Beach Police report, the woman was stopped by an officer, who questioned her. In the back seat the kids sat calmly with smiles. The woman told an officer that she feared for her safety and was worried her former husband would harm them. The children are under the states control and the mother will be put under psychiatric evaluation.
So what do you think should she be put in the loony bin for trying to get a family class ticket to a watery grave or be thrown in the slammer?
Good but you waited too long to get this up here.
I think she should be thrown in a loony bin. You just don't wake up and think "hey I think today will be the day I drive my van in the lake with my kids in it." I wonder why people think of such crazy things like that.