The woman above is on the run after trying to cash a forged check last month. Charity has been in and out of jail all of her life for forged checks and dealing with methamphetamine.
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The woman above is on the run after trying to cash a forged check last month. Charity has been in and out of jail all of her life for forged checks and dealing with methamphetamine.
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This women is obviously not very smart, and don't you think that since she is known for that that she should have been watched a little closer.
I don't get it. Just get a job, so you can have real money, and then you won't have to always be on the run cause you won't be doing anything illegal. And stop letting her outta Jail. Problem solved.
Wow. That is pathetic. Why would you do something like this? If she is a meth addict and can't afford it, then I would see why she feels the need. I'm not saying I would do this, but honestly?! Why would someone be so stupid?! Honestly, I cannot figure this out. Hopefully they keep her there with her lovely jail record.
she needs to turn her life around! they should just keep her in jail if she's not gonna learn from it
Isn't there some sort of limit of how many times somebody can be charged and then released? She obviously needs to be more disciplined in order for her to learn her lesson. Something needs to be done so that she stops making the choices she's making.
Why would you keep letting someone out if they obviously don't learn their lesson? Also why doesn't she just get a job and pay for her own stuff.
I dont understand why they keep letter her go, why dont they keep her in jail
Well this is a very big deal! i hope she gets caught...dont you think she should have learned the first time?
Wow is the economy getting that bad that people are starting to forge checks. I wonder what they would do in another great depression.