An Arizona woman accidentally glued an eye shut when she mistook super glue for her eye drops. Irmgard Holm had cataract surgery a year ago. She was reaching for what she thought was one of her half-dozen eye drop medications. The burning sensation told her immediately something was seriously wrong. Holm said the eye drops and the super glue bottles are nearly identical.

After putting super glue in her eye, Holm says she tried washing it out. But the quick-drying substance did what it was supposed to and sealed her eye shut.

Holm got to the hospital and staff cut off the hardened glue covering her eye. Once the eye was opened, doctors washed it out to prevent major damage.


I bet she didn't see that coming :P

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  • Ouch! that would hurt your eyes so bad! it wouldn't be fun at all
  • Dude that would be totally terrible would hate to have anything like that happen to me. It would burn really really bad. I remember when my wrists got glued together, it really really hurt. I can't even imagine that kind of pain on my eye.
  • oh my.. That would really hurt...
  • ouch im pretty sure that would hurt.
  • Oh my maybe she shouldn't have had the glue so close to the eye drops
  • BAKA you shouldnt have eyedrop bottles in the same vicinity as super glue and you shouldnt buy super glue that looks like the bottle could be your eyedrops
  • oh man. thats terrible! thats the first time ive ever heard that before. i hope i never have to through that
  • ouch. that kinda reminds me of a book i read once. only in that case the glue was used in self
  • that would be really scary. i personally have already had my share of incidents with super glue and i didn't like it.
  • So glad that they got her eye open
    one of the bottles will have to change though
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