
  • i'd probably do the same thing not gunna' lie, that would annoy me reallly bad.
  • um...ok...OC much?
    lol, brie, did you find drea's website or something? these topics sound eerily familiar... ;)
  • i know i could never be with a clean freak.. so i can understand this lady to an extent
  • Dude if I had a husband that cleaned i would never give him up.
  • why would you divorce your husband for cleaning to much!!! i think that would be awsome!!!
  • cleaning TOO much. That's brilliant!
  • who complains about a husband that cleans? she must be insane!
  • That is just insane.. I would love to have a husband that cleaned all the time.. My house would be spotless. But I think he did go a little overboard on the whole tearing down a wall because it was dirty. No that is just a little wierd. But otherwise i think its just dumb..
  • thats a wierd yet very funny.
  • thats crazy there has to be more to that story shes just cleans a lot how can that be that bad??
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